Android Project for Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree.
This projects aim is to build an app to view video recipes.
You will productionize an app, taking it from a functional state to a production-ready state. This will involve finding and handling error cases, adding accessibility features, allowing for localization, adding a widget, and adding a library.
As a working Android developer, you often have to create and implement apps where you are responsible for designing and planning the steps you need to take to create a production-ready app. Unlike Popular Movies where we gave you an implementation guide, it will be up to you to figure things out for the Baking App.
Through this project, you will:
- Use MediaPlayer/Exoplayer to display videos
- Handle error cases in Android
- Add a widget to your app experience
- Leverage a third-party library in your app
- Use Fragments to create a responsive design that works on phones and tablets
- Allow users to select a recipe from the RecyclerView, which brings up recipe details
- Recipe details shows ingredients needed, and a recyclerView displaying the steps
- Widget will update to show ingredients for latest recipe viewed
- Selecting a step will bring up the step details fragment which will give a detailed explanation and video if provided.
- ButterKnife
- Picasso