Accept Bitcoin and Lightning
Start accepting Bitcoin, Lightning and Liquid today — Powered by Zaprite.
This plugin allows stores that use WordPress WooCommerce shopping cart system to accept Bitcoin, Lightning, Liquid and card payments using their Zaprite Checkouts.
In order to use this plugin you have to create an account on
- Navigate to Plugins > Add New Plugin, then search for 'zaprite' in the official WordPress directory.
- Click 'Install Now', then once installed, click to Activate the plugin.
- Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments.
- Enable the Zaprite plugin, then click on 'Manage' to configure the payment gateway settings.
To develop locally, you can run WordPress locally with docker. This will run
WordPress on port 8000 with debugging enabled. It will also mount your local
directly in the WordPress plugins
directory so
that you can edit and see the result of your changes directly in WordPress.
First, you'll need to run the docker containers:
cd wordpress-docker
docker-compose up -d
Then you'll need to:
- Make sure you have
project running on http://localhost:3000 open http://localhost:8000
- Follow the WordPress installation instructions
- Install and configure the WooCommerce plugin: http://localhost:8000/wp-admin/plugin-install.php?s=woocommerce&tab=search&type=term
- Add a product in woo commerce so that you can test payments
- Activate Zaprite plugin: http://localhost:8000/wp-admin/plugins.php
- Configure zaprite plugin:
- Check "Enable payments via Zaprite Checkout"
- Enter your Zaprite API key
You can now test the plugin by creating an order in your shop: http://localhost:8000/shop/
If you prefer using another way to run WordPress locally, like
Local by Flywheel, you can clone this git repo anywhere
you want then just create a symlink to the plugin
ln -s <path to the cloned repo>/zaprite-for-woocommerce/plugin <path to local wordpress>/wp-content/plugins/zaprite-payment-gateway
Next you need to set an environment variable to point to your local instance of
Zaprite. You can set this at the web server level in Flywheel Locals. If your
instance of WordPress uses nginx you can "Go to site folder" then open
. Add this in the location ~ \.php$
fastcgi_param ZAPRITE_APP_URL 'http://localhost:3000';
fastcgi_param ZAPRITE_API_URL 'http://localhost:3000';
To turn on debugging, open the wp-config.php
. Add
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
Lastly, restart your site. This should create a debug.log file in wp-content
The Zaprite app uses a queue service called qstash to callback to WooCommerce when an order status is changed. This is because some WooCommerce sites take over 15 seconds to respond (causing load and long timeouts on our server) . To test this locally you need to expose your local Woo site to the public internet so qstash can call back to it. One way to do this is to use Cloudflare tunnel + Flywheel Locals nginx config.
Configure Cloudflare Tunnel
- Create an account
- You will install the Cloudflare tunnel locally on your machine. You can use brew to install if you are on mac.
- Next you will need to "Connect an application". Goto your cloud flare
tunnel dashboard to configure. Set the service to http://localhost and
choose a subdomain name (you will need to purchase a domain name from
cloudflare if you don't already have one).
Configure Flywheel Locals and nginx
- You will need to change the name of your flywheels site to match your
cloudflare domain.
- Configure nginx to allow cors. Open "goto site folder" / conf / nginx / site.conf.hbs
- Add this line in server
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';
- Restart your site
- Now you should be able to access your Woo site on the public internet. for example:
- You will need to change the name of your flywheels site to match your
cloudflare domain.
If you want to edit the UI for the Blocks checkout you need to compile the javascript code:
- cd plugin
npm i
npm run build
npm run start
- This will run webpack and generate files to
. After you see successwebpack 5.89.0 compiled successfully in 27 ms
and can cntl+x - Now you can use the plugin like normal
- If you want to update the javascript/html for the payment checkout UI then
and runnpm run start
** if you get errors with php composer
you might have to install it via
brew install composer
Install dependencies
brew install php-code-sniffer
brew install composer
phpcs --config-set installed_paths $HOME/.composer/vendor/wp-coding-standards/wpcs
cd zaprite-payment-gateway && npm run lint
php ./vendor/bin/phpcbf --standard=WordPress --ignore=*.js ./plugin
- Install php
brew install php
- Install wordpress cli tools
brew install wp-cli
cd zaprite-payment-gateway
npm run build
- If you want to package a zip to upload to wordpress plugin manually run
npm run package