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GitHub Nuget Nuget (with prereleases) Modrinth API

C# Wrapper for the Modrinth API

Main attributes

  • Automatic rate limiting
    • Retry count is configurable
  • No dependencies
  • Fully documented
  • Support for .NET 8.0 and newer


using Modrinth;

var options = new ModrinthClientConfig 
    // Optional, if you want to access authenticated API endpoints
    ModrinthToken = "Your_Authentication_Token",
    // For Modrinth API, you must specify a user-agent
    // There is a default library user-agent, but it is recommended to specify your own
    UserAgent = "MyAwesomeProject"

var client = new ModrinthClient(options);

var project = await client.Project.GetAsync("sodium");


But you don't have to provide options at all, you can just create a client with the default options:

var client = new ModrinthClient();


  • You can also use the UserAgent class to help you create a valid user-agent
  • User-Agent currently cannot be changed after the client has been created
  • More info about the User-Agent can be found here
using Modrinth;

// Note: All properties are optional, and will be ignored if they are null or empty
var userAgent = new UserAgent
    ProjectName = "ProjectName",
    ProjectVersion = "1.0.0",
    GitHubUsername = "Username",
    Contact = ""

var options = new ModrinthClientOptions
    UserAgent = userAgent.ToString()

var client = new ModrinthClient(options);


  • You can search for projects using the SearchAsync method, in the Project endpoint
using Modrinth;

var client = new ModrinthClient(userAgent: "My_Awesome_Project");

var search = await client.Project.SearchAsync("sodium");

foreach (var project in search.Hits)

Search with facets/filtering

  • You can filter the search results by using facets, which are a way to filter the results by certain criteria
  • You can read more about facets here
  • You can create a FacetCollection and add facets to it, and then pass it to the SearchAsync method


// For search with facets, you first need to create a FacetCollection
var facets = new FacetCollection();

// Then you can add facets to it
// You add a facet by calling the Add method on the FacetCollection
// In one call, you can add multiple facets, they will be combined in an OR statement
// If you call Add again, the new facets will be combined in an AND statement with the previous ones

// Example:
facets.Add(Facet.Category("adventure"), Facet.Category("magic"));

// This will create a query that looks like this:
// (category:adventure OR category:magic) AND version:1.19.4
// Basically it will search for projects that have the category "adventure" or "magic" on Minecraft version 1.19.4

// Then you can pass the FacetCollection to the SearchAsync method
var search = await _client.Project.SearchAsync("", facets: facets);

As FacetCollection implements ICollection<T>, you can use collection initializers to add facets to it, like this:

var facets = new FacetCollection
    { Facet.Category("adventure"), Facet.Category("magic") },
    { Facet.Version("1.19.4") }

Which will create the same query as the previous example.

Unsuccesful API calls

  • If the API call was unsuccessful, the client will throw an ModrinthApiException exception
  • This will be thrown if the API call return non-200 status code
using Modrinth;
using Modrinth.Exceptions;
using System.Net;

var client = new ModrinthClient(userAgent: "My_Awesome_Project");

    var project = await _client.Project.GetAsync("non-existent-project");
// You can catch the exception and only handle the 404 status code
catch (ModrinthApiException e) when (e.Response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) 
    Console.WriteLine("Project not found");
// Or you can catch the exception and handle all non-200 status codes
catch (ModrinthApiException e)
    Console.WriteLine($"API call failed with status code {e.Response.StatusCode}");

List of endpoints and their support in this library

Icon Meaning Comment
Not implemented
⚠️ Untested The endpoint has been implemented, but no tests have been written for it yet

Project endpoints

Name Method Implemented
Search projects GET
Get a project GET
Modify a project PATCH
Delete a project DELETE ⚠️
Get multiple projects GET
Bulk-edit multiple projects PATCH
Get a list of random projects GET
Create a project POST
Change project's icon PATCH
Delete project's icon DELETE
Check project slug/ID validity GET
Add a gallery image POST
Modify a gallery image PATCH
Delete a gallery image DELETE
Get all of a project's dependencies GET
Follow a project POST
Unfollow a project DELETE
Schedule a project POST

Version endpoints

Name Method Implemented
List project's versions GET
Get a version GET
Modify a version PATCH
Delete a version DELETE ⚠️
Get a version given a version number or ID GET
Create a version POST
Schedule a version POST ⚠️
Get multiple versions GET
Add files to version POST

Version file endpoints

Name Method Implemented
Get version from hash GET ✅️
Delete a file from its hash DELETE ⚠️
Latest version of a project from a hash, loader(s), and game version(s) POST ✅️
Get versions from hashes POST ✅️
Latest versions of multiple projects from hashes, loader(s), and game version(s) POST ✅️

User endpoints

Name Method Implemented
Get a user GET
Modify a user PATCH
Get user from authorization header GET
Get multiple users GET
Change user's avatar PATCH
Get user's projects GET
Get user's followed projects GET
Get user's payout history GET
Withdraw payout balance to PayPal or Venmo POST

Threads endpoints

🔐 All of the endpoints in this section require authentication.

Name Method Implemented
Report a project, user, or version POST
Get your open reports GET
Get report from ID GET
Modify a report PATCH
Get multiple reports GET
Get a thread GET
Send a text message to a thread POST
Get multiple threads GET
Delete a thread DELETE

Notifications endpoints

🔐 All of the endpoints in this section require authentication.

Name Method Implemented
Get user's notifications GET
Get notification from ID GET
Mark notification as read PATCH
Delete a notification DELETE
Get multiple notifications GET
Mark multiple notifications as read PATCH
Delete multiple notifications DELETE

Team endpoints

Name Method Implemented
Get a project's team members GET
Get a team's members GET
Add a user to a team POST ⚠️
Get the members of multiple teams GET
Join a team POST ⚠️
Modify a team member's information PATCH ⚠️
Remove a member from a team DELETE ⚠️
Transfer team's ownership to another user PATCH ⚠️

Tag endpoints

Name Method Implemented Comment
Get a list of categories GET
Get a list of loaders GET
Get a list of game versions GET
Get the text and title of a license GET
Get a list of donation platforms GET
Get a list of report types GET
Get a list of project types GET
Get a list of side types GET

Miscellaneous endpoints

Name Method Implemented
Forge Updates JSON file GET
Various statistics about this Modrinth instance GET


This is not an official Modrinth project. This is a third-party project that is not affiliated with Modrinth in any way.