- Download by a Zip-File
- Extract and Rename the Folder into "eWallet"
- Move the Folder to htdocs
- Then Run Xampp, Wampp or Lampp
- Go to the Browser and Type https://locahost/eWallet/index.php/Access/
Notice: This project is build using PHP Framework called Code Igniter
- You need to config the SMTPConfig.php file in Text Editor
- Put your Gmail, Yahoomail or Hotmail
- You need to research about SMTP
- To access the Admin, you need to go in AdminConfig.php in application/third_party folder
- go to https://locahost/eWallet/index.php/Access/ then sign in
- then register a new one for Admin Account and follow the steps
- After the registration, the try to logout and login again