- yt-dlp
- selenium
- requests
- bs4
- pyfiglet
- wget
Cli-tool for download music from yandex music
Install selenium driver (geckodriver) from Linux repo:
If your using Arch Linux: install
clone this repository:
git clone
cd Yand
create virtual env:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
in 'src/' add your selenium driver path:
service = Service('/path/to/your/geckodriver') # default /usr/bin/geckodriver
in src/.env
add full path to your music dir and api key from Genius
GENIUS_API=your api from Genius
let's start:
python3 yand [url]
or (if you're in linux)
chmod +x yand
./yand [url]