Releases: Zerthox/gw2-reffect
Reffect v0.4.1 (alpha)
Reffect v0.4.0 (alpha)
- Reffect internal is now statically linked
- Fix issues after GW2 update
- Implement weapons filter (#1)
- Add validation for effect ids
- Reload fonts when Nexus rebuilds the atlas
- Initial work for target effects, group effects & own skill cooldowns (#9, #12, #41)
Warning: the Pack format is not guaranteed to be stable yet. Packs created may need adjustments work with a future release.
Reffect v0.3.6 (alpha)
- Fix issues after GW2 update
Warning: the Pack format is not guaranteed to be stable yet. Packs created may need adjustments work with a future release.
Reffect v0.3.5 (alpha)
- Add character endurance as resource (#40)
- Improve edit mode visualization for resources
- Fix progress bar tick positions
- Lower threshold for kilo formatting (1.0k) to 1000
Warning: the Pack format is not guaranteed to be stable yet. Packs created may need adjustments work with a future release.
Reffect v0.3.4 (alpha)
- Fix issues after GW2 update
- Fix list icon filter applying in edit mode
- Fix conditions only updating with own character interval
Warning: the Pack format is not guaranteed to be stable yet. Packs created may need adjustments work with a future release.
Reffect v0.3.3 (alpha)
- Add conditions for player & map
- Add filter to list icon (#39)
- Add pretty number formatting for text (#36)
- Change text replacement
for intensity and%r
for current progress amount - Fix "NaN" progress
Warning: the Pack format is not guaranteed to be stable yet. Packs created may need adjustments work with a future release.
Reffect v0.3.2 (alpha)
- Rename threshold min/max to above/below
- Fix unknown duration being treated as 0 instead of infinity by thresholds
- Fix crash when used font was invalidated
Warning: the Pack format is not guaranteed to be stable yet. Packs created may need adjustments work with a future release.
Reffect v0.3.1 (alpha)
- Add zoom & rounding options to icons
- Display warning when font not found or loaded
- Fix crash when using not yet loaded font
- Fix issue with trait id & map id inputs
- Update docs & some helper texts
Warning: the Pack format is not guaranteed to be stable yet. Packs created may need adjustments work with a future release.
Reffect v0.3.0 (alpha)
- Add system for conditional change of element properties (#20)
- Add system for inheriting trigger from parent element (#25)
- Separate map filter into map category & map id filter
- Add context menu to insert commonly used map ids
- Add global settings for icon stacks text, duration text & duration bar (#18, #19)
- Add setting to enable/disable pack save on addon unload
- Change Barrier to be out of max Health rather than max Barrier
- Fix Bladesworn max Charges with Daring Dragon
- Remove progress bar border option (set border size to 0 instead)
- Dynamically adjust text update frequency to contents
- Change input for progress percent amount to slider
- Fix amount helper texts
- Improve pack parsing error messages
- Add more info to element debug tabs
Warning: the Pack format is not guaranteed to be stable yet. Packs created may need adjustments work with a future release.
Reffect v0.2.3 (alpha)
- Fix issue with migrating old thresholds
Warning: the Pack format is not guaranteed to be stable yet. Packs created may need adjustments work with a future release.