Unreal interactive snow implementation. C++ and shaders.
- Interactive snow on any object (requires specific setup on UVs)
- "Infinite" surfaces support
- Object-agnostic snow shader
- Custom hole shapes
Disclaimer: This project was made for learning/experimentation/portfolio purposes. It is not meant to be a production-ready solution, but rather a good starting point. There are still many edge cases and features that could be added. If you have any questions please let me know.
- Open the project
- Press Play
- Move the sphere around with WASD
In essence, it draws the hole shapes to a render target that determines where the snow should be removed. Where and how it draws is determined by the collision of the interactor object with the interactive snow surface. On infinite surfaces, instead of using the render target on the entire object it only keeps track of the area around the main player.
The object snow shader displaces the vertices and transitions to a world-UV snow material based on the Z axis of the object. Snow objects can also have interactive snow enabled but they have to follow specific guidelines in the UV setup for it to work properly.
Below is a general overview of the C++ and Shader implementations. For more details please take a look at the code and Unreal files directly.
InteractiveSnowComponent: This component adds the snow functionality to a surface. Any SnowInteractorComponent that collides with this surface will create holes on it.
SnowInteractorComponent: This component makes any object be able to interact with an InteractiveSnowComponent. The hole shape and size are controlled by its parameters.
SpherePawn: Minimalistic pawn for moving the sphere around with physics.
InteractiveSnowSurface: Wrapper class for an actor with a StaticMeshComponent and an InteractiveSnowComponent. Not really required.
All the snow features are handled by material functions and not the materials themselves.
MF_Displacement: Handles the displacement and tessellation of the snow. White = hole, black = raised snow.
MF_CustomUvTransform: Handles all the UV transformations of the hole shape texture to place it correctly in the snow displacement map.
MF_ObjectSnow: Handles all snow material masking and blending for objects with snow on top.
MF_CleanBorder: Adds a 1px black border around a texture to avoid texture clamping issues.
MF_Step: Regular Step function implementation (Unreal apparently doesn't have this built-in).
Any object that will act as a snow surface (have snow that can be removed), has the following UV requirements:
- 0-1 UVs in UV0, UV1 or UV2.
- As little distortion per-polygon as possible (non-uniform scaling is supported)
- No seams around the snow area
- When the interactor hole shape is not symmetrical, the interactive object UVs have to match the world orientation of Unreal. Otherwise the hole rotation will be off.
Hole shapes are controlled by textures. If the shapes are not symmetrical, the top of the image is considered the forward axis of the object (matching with X+ in Unreal).
Because the object snow shader uses displacement, objects that use it require soft edges on the affected area. This is because hard edges will create holes in the mesh when displaced.
- オブジェクト形に関わらず、インタラクティブ雪が可能です。(UVの特定設定の必要があります)
- 無限表面可能
- オブジェクト形に関わらず雪シェーダ
- カスタム穴形可能
- UE4でプロジェクトを開いて。
- 「Play」ボタンをクリックして。
- 「WASD」でボール操作できます。
InteractiveSnowComponent: インタラクティブ雪の機能を有効します。全ての「SnowInteractorComponent」はこのオブジェクトに穴を描きます。
SnowInteractorComponent: 「InteractiveSnowComponent」を対応します。穴の形とサイズはパラメータによって、変化します。
SpherePawn: 物理的なボール操作のためのポーンです。
InteractiveSnowSurface: アクタのラッパーのクラスです。「StaticMeshComponent」と「InteractiveSnowComponent」が含まれています。必要がありません。
MF_Displacement: ディスプレイスメントとテッセレーション管理。白:穴、黒:雪。
MF_CustomUvTransform: 穴のテクスチャのUVトランスフォーム管理。
MF_ObjectSnow: オブジェクトの雪のマスクと変遷管理。
MF_CleanBorder: テクスチャの境界クランプの問題防止のために、テクスチャの境界に黒い1ピクセル追加。
MF_Step: 普通Step関数の実装。UE4にこの関数がなさそうです。
- UV0、UV1、またはUV2に0~1座標内の必要があります。
- 各ポリゴンはできるだけ少なく歪曲に展開。不均等スケーリング対応できます。
- 雪の周りに、UVのシームが対応できません。
- 不対称的な穴のテクスチャの場合は、UVの回転はワールドの同じの回転が必要です。回転は間違っているの時に、穴の回転が正しくなくなってしまいます。