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Update ProcessData.R
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ZjutMisLeo authored Feb 27, 2018
1 parent 754cc6c commit ef726a3
Showing 1 changed file with 116 additions and 35 deletions.
151 changes: 116 additions & 35 deletions ProcessData.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,12 +3,28 @@ filePath = "/Users/leo/Desktop/big data/Project1/Features"
circlePath = "/Users/leo/Desktop/big data/Project1/Circles"
files = list.files(path = filePath, full.names = T, recursive = T)
circles = list.files(path = circlePath, full.names = T, recursive = T)
#create a datafram to store edges

#create a datafram to store direct edges
relations = data.frame()
#ccreate a list to store name of each file
#create a list to store name of each file
nameList = as.list(data.frame())
#create a list to store circle node of all files
vertices = as.list(data.frame())

#get path by edges
edgePath = "/Users/leo/Desktop/big data/Project1/Edges"
edges = list.files(path = edgePath, full.names = T, recursive = T)
for (edge in edges){
#get the first column of node
edgeMatrix = as.matrix(read.table(edge))
for (row in 1 : nrow(edgeMatrix)) {
test = data.frame(from = edgeMatrix[row, 1], to = edgeMatrix[row, 2])
relations = rbind(relations, test)

#get path by feats
for (path in files){
#get the first column of node
subNode = as.list(scan(path, what = 'list', flush = T))
Expand All @@ -25,8 +41,8 @@ for (path in files){
vertices = unique(vertices)
relations = c(unique(relations))

#get path in circles
crealtions = data.frame()
#get path by circles
crelations = data.frame()
for (circle in circles){
c = scan(circle)
if (!inherits(c, 'try-error')) c
Expand All @@ -37,27 +53,116 @@ for (circle in circles){
for (temp in cList){ # use this for loop to get edges of the node
if (temp > 100) {
test = data.frame(from = cname, to = temp)
crelations = rbind(relations, test)
crelations = rbind(crelations, test)
crealtions = c(unique(crelations))

#to check if paths are same by these two ways
crelations = c(unique(crelations))
relations = rbind(relations,crelations)
relations = c(unique(relations))

#create graph
gg = graph_from_data_frame(relations, directed = TRUE)
is.simple(gg) # check duplicate
gg = simplify(gg)

V(gg)$vertex_degree <- degree(gg)
print(gsize(gg)) #get number of edges for this graph

V(gg)$vertex_degree <- degree(gg) # u can set vertex size base on degree by this way

plot(gg,layout =, vertex.size = V(gg)$vertex_degree,
vertex.label = NA, edge.color = grey(0.5),
plot(gg,layout =, vertex.size = 4, vertex.label = NA, edge.color = grey(0.5),
edge.arrow.mode = "-")

#get 25 ego nodes with the largest circles
res = data.frame()
#get 25 ego nodes with the largest circles,here we consider the node has largest circle is the node with biggest degree
sort(degree(gg), decreasing = T)

#matrix of 25 nodes and feature
egopath = "/Users/leo/Desktop/big data/Project1/EgoFeatures"
egos = list.files(path = egopath, full.names = T, recursive = T)
list = as.list(data.frame())
g = data.frame()
for (path in egos){
feat = as.matrix(read.table(path, stringsAsFactors = F, fill = T))
egoName = gsub("/Users/leo/Desktop/big data/Project1/EgoFeatures/", "", path)
egoName = as.numeric(gsub(".egofeat", "", egoName))
list = c(list, egoName)
featNamePath = paste("/Users/leo/Desktop/big data/Project1/FeatureNames/", egoName, ".featnames", sep = "")
featureName = as.matrix(read.table(featNamePath, stringsAsFactors = F, comment.char = '~', fill = TRUE))
fList = as.list(data.frame())
for(row in 1 : nrow(feat)) {
for(col in 1 : ncol(feat)) {
if (feat[row, col] == 1){
fList = c(fList, featureName[col, 2])
if(length(fList) == 0) fList = c(fList, NA)#necessary
temp = data.frame(egoName, fList)
g = rbind.fill(g, temp)

# show each featurename contains which node
featNameList = as.list(data.frame())
g = as.matrix(g)
gg = data.frame()
for(val in g) {
featNameList = c(featNameList, g)
#remove duplicate elements
featNameList = unique(featNameList)
#remove NA
for (index in featNameList) {
nodeList = as.list(data.frame())
for (row in 1 : nrow(g)) {
check = FALSE
for (col in 1 : ncol(g)) {
if (g[row, col] == index) {
nodeList = c(nodeList, g[row][1])
check = TRUE
if (check == FALSE){
nodeList = c(nodeList, NA)
temp = data.frame(index, nodeList)
gg = cbind.fill(gg, temp)

#central person
central_person = alpha.centrality(gg)
cp = tail(sort(central_person), 5)

#longest path
longest_path = get_diameter(gg)

#largest clique
largest_cliques = largest_cliques(gg)

# ego
ego = ego(gg, gorder(gg), V(gg))

# betweenness and power
betweenness = betweenness(gg)
power = power_centrality(gg)

#get the node with original large circle
for (circle in circles){
c = scan(circle)
if (!inherits(c, 'try-error')) c
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,27 +191,3 @@ for (circle in circles){
res = res[order(res$amount, decreasing = T),]

#matrix of node and feature
featpath = "/Users/leo/Desktop/big data/Project1/Features/134943586.feat"
featNamePath = "/Users/leo/Desktop/big data/Project1/FeatureNames/134943586.featnames"
feat = read.table(featpath, stringsAsFactors = F)
featureName = read.table(featNamePath, stringsAsFactors = F, comment.char = '~', fill = TRUE)
for(row in 1:nrow(feat)) {
for(col in 1:ncol(feat)) {
if (col == 1) {
#first column here is the sub node
test = data.frame(from = name, to = feat[row, col])
relations = rbind(relations, test)
vertices = c(vertices, as.numeric(feat[row, col]))
}else {
if (feat[row, col] == 0){

}else {
#somedatastructure.add featureName[col][2]

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