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SMART facilitates fast reactive replanning in dynamic environments. It performs risk-based local tree-pruning if the current path is obstructed by nearby moving obstacle(s), resulting in multiple disjoint subtrees. Then, it exploits these subtrees and performs informed tree-repair at hot-spots that lie at the intersection of subtrees to find a new path.
Fig. Point robot (yellow point) and dynamic obstacles (grey circle) move at a constant speed of 4m/s.
- User-defined inputs:
- File "Main.cpp": trialIndex, dynObsNum, dynObsSpeed, sceneIndex, dynObsPosition, robotInitState, goalState
- File "SMART.cpp": cellSize, staticObsMap.txt
trialIndex: seed for random sample generation
sceneIndex: seed for dynamic obstacle trajectory generation
dynObsPosition: initial position of dynamic obstacle
goalState: goal position
robotInitState: contain initial robot position and constant linear speed
cellSize: size of cell in meter
staticObsMap.txt: binary occupancy grid map. free = 0; occupied = 1.
- Replanning time (s)
- Trajectory length (m)
- Travel Time (s)
- Recorded data
Recorded data:
- Dynamic obstacle
- Tree
- Path
- Robot's footprint
Function dataRecord() is used to record the data for visualization on Matlab.
- Compilation:
compile Main.cpp
run the executable file
User-defined input:
- "folder": It is a character array to store the directory to the folder that contains the recorded data.
- "videoRecord": A demo video will be created if videoRecord = true.
Demo generation:
run Main.m
If you use the results presented in this paper or the code from the repository, please cite this paper:
title={SMART: Self-Morphing Adaptive Replanning Tree},
author={Shen, Zongyuan and Wilson, James P and Gupta, Shalabh and Harvey, Ryan},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
year={Sep. 2023},
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This research is supported by the Air Force Research Laboratory.
MIT © Zongyuan Shen