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Creating GUI with Examples
We will prefer Functional structure here, but feel free to do the same with OOP instances:
★ GUI, AnimatedGUI
★ StaticContainer
★ PagedContainer
★ Element, AnimatedElement, ...
You can find all the component classes in the library code.
The most recent way of doing this is by component builders using Component class.
GUI gui = Component.gui()
.title("My cute GUI") // The GUI title
.rows(6) // Number of GUI rows
.prepare((gui, player) -> { // Code that is executed when the GUI is being built
// TODO: GUI init code
In the prepare() function, we'll assign our content to the GUI.
Note: The function is executed before the GUI is being rendered to the player, so if we want to make future changes, we need to run update() function to rerender the content.
An alternative solution is creating the GUI using OOP interitance.
public class MyAwesomeGUI extends GUI {
public MyAwesomeGUI() {
super("My cute GUI", 6);
public void build(Player p) {
// TODO: GUI init code
As said before, we use the build or prepare function to assign our GUI content, so let's cover some basics here.
Learning by examples is the best, right?
GUI gui = Component.gui()
.title("My cute GUI")
.prepare((gui, player) -> {
// Assign components
gui.setElement(4, Component.element()
.click(info -> {
Player whoClicked = info.getPlayer();
whoClicked.sendMessage("You closed the GUI!");
.item(Items.create(Material.REDSTONE_BLOCK, "§c§lClose GUI"))
GUI gui = Component.gui()
.title("My cute GUI")
.prepare((gui, player) -> {
// Assign components
gui.setContainer(9, Component.staticContainer()
.size(6, 1) // Width, height of a container
.init(container -> {
// Assign components to container
Element spacerElement = Component.element(Items.blank(Material.BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE)).build();
GUI gui = Component.gui()
.title("My cute GUI")
.prepare((gui, player) -> {
// Assign components
PagedContainer serversContainer = Component.pagedContainer()
.size(6, 2)
.init(container -> {
// Assign container content
names.forEach(serverName -> {
.click(info -> {
// TODO: Join player to a server
.item(new ItemBuilder()
.withName("§a§l" + serverName)
.line("§7Click to join the server!")
gui.setContainer(18, serversContainer);
gui.setElement(48, new PagingArrowElement(serversContainer, true, "§a§lPrevious page"));
gui.setElement(50, new PagingArrowElement(serversContainer, false, "§a§lNext page"));
GUI gui = Component.gui()
.title("My cute GUI")
.prepare((gui, player) -> {
// Assign components
PagedContainer serversContainer = Component.pagedContainer()
.size(6, 2)
.init(container -> {
// Assign container content
names.forEach(serverName -> {
.click(info -> {
// TODO: Join player to a server
.item(new ItemBuilder()
.withName("§a§l" + serverName)
.line("§7Click to join the server!")
gui.setContainer(18, serversContainer);
gui.setElement(50, Component.element()
.click(info -> { // On click change page manually
gui.update(info.getPlayer()); // !!! Rerender GUI after changes
.item(Items.create(Material.ARROW, "§a§lNext page"))
List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
GUI gui = Component.gui()
.title("My cute GUI")
.prepare((gui, player) -> {
// Assign components
gui.setElement(4, Component.element()
.click(info -> {
Player whoClicked = info.getPlayer();
whoClicked.sendMessage("You closed the GUI!");
.item(Items.create(Material.REDSTONE_BLOCK, "§c§lClose GUI"))
gui.setContainer(9, Component.staticContainer()
.size(6, 1) // Width, height of a container
.init(container -> {
// Assign components to container
Element spacerElement = Component.element(Items.blank(Material.BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE)).build();
PagedContainer serversContainer = Component.pagedContainer()
.size(6, 2)
.init(container -> {
// Assign container content
names.forEach(serverName -> {
.click(info -> {
// TODO: Join player to a server
.item(new ItemBuilder()
.withName("§a§l" + serverName)
.line("§7Click to join the server!")
gui.setContainer(18, serversContainer);
gui.setElement(48, new PagingArrowElement(serversContainer, true, "§a§lPrevious page"));
gui.setElement(50, new PagingArrowElement(serversContainer, false, "§a§lNext page"));