Testing utility for the Zorium framework
npm install --save-dev vtree-query
z = require 'zorium'
query = require 'vtree-query'
tree = z 'div', 'test'
$ = query(tree)
$('div').contents.should.be 'test'
tree =
z 'div',
z '.class',
z '#id',
z 'span',
z 'span',
$ = query(tree)
$$ = query.all(tree)
$('div .class #id span').contents.should.be 'abc'
$('span').contents.should.be 'abc'
$$('div .class #id span').length.should.be 2
$$('span').length.should.be 2
# Properties
tree = z 'input', type: 'button'
$ = query tree
$('input').type.should.be 'button'
# Attributes
tree = z 'div',
z 'a', href: 'abc', 'aaa'
$ = query tree
$('a[href=abc]').contents.should.be 'aaa'
Returns first matching vNode, with a contents
property that contains text info.
This method supports currying
tree = z 'div', 'test'
$ = query(tree)
$('div').contents.should.be 'test'
Returns all matching vNodes, with contents
properties that contain text info.
This method supports currying
tree = z 'div', 'test'
$$ = query.all(tree)
$$('div')[0].contents.should.be 'test'