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Added nocturnal
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linusblomqvist committed Sep 21, 2024
1 parent d45d503 commit e17d584
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Showing 3 changed files with 85 additions and 42 deletions.
123 changes: 83 additions & 40 deletions check_ebird_checklists/check_ebird_checklists_fcn.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,23 +3,21 @@
# Adaptation of code from Raphaël Nussbaumer
# See

# Check if pacman is installed; if not, install it
if (!requireNamespace("pacman", quietly = TRUE)) {

# Load packages
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, auk, DT, writexl, glue, sf, lubridate, hms, lutz, suncalc)

# Load continents buffer object
continents_buffer <- readRDS("continents_buffer.rds")

# Create function
create_chk <- function(txt_file, too_many_species, too_many_species_stationary, too_long_land, too_many_observers, too_long_offshore) {

obs_0 <- read_ebd(txt_file)

obs_0 <- obs_0 %>%
obs_0 <- read_ebd(txt_file) %>%
filter(all_species_reported == TRUE)

obs <- obs_0 %>%
Expand All @@ -32,12 +30,7 @@ create_chk <- function(txt_file, too_many_species, too_many_species_stationary,
"locality", "observation_date", "time_observations_started", "observer_id",
"protocol_type", "duration_minutes", "effort_distance_km", "number_observers",
"all_species_reported", "has_media", "latitude", "longitude")) %>%
mutate(url = str_c("", str_extract(checklist_id, "[^,]+"), sep = "")) %>%
relocate(url, .after = checklist_id)

# coordinates <- obs %>%
# distinct(checklist_id, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
# select(checklist_id, latitude, longitude)
mutate(url = str_c("", str_extract(checklist_id, "[^,]+"), sep = ""))

c <- obs %>%
Expand All @@ -59,48 +52,98 @@ create_chk <- function(txt_file, too_many_species, too_many_species_stationary,
c <- c %>%
observation_date = ymd(observation_date),
time_observations_started = hms(time_observations_started, quiet = T),
checklist_link = paste0("<a href='", str_extract(checklist_id, "^[^,]+"), "' target='_blank'>", checklist_id, "</a>"),
time_observations_started = as_hms(time_observations_started),
checklist_link = paste0("<a href='",
str_extract(checklist_id, "^[^,]+"), "' target='_blank'>", checklist_id, "</a>"),
all_species_reported = all_species_reported & protocol_type != "Incidental"
) %>%
mutate(time_observations_ended = as_hms(as.POSIXct(time_observations_started) + minutes(duration_minutes)))

c_sf <- st_as_sf(c, coords = c("longitude", "latitude"), crs = 4326) %>%
st_transform(crs = 3857) %>%
st_join(continents_buffer) %>%
st_transform(crs = 4326)

# Extract latitude, longitude, and dates from your sf object
latitudes <- st_coordinates(c_sf)[,2] # Latitude
longitudes <- st_coordinates(c_sf)[,1] # Longitude
dates <- c_sf$observation_date # Dates

# Step 1: Round the coordinates to reduce precision (e.g., 2 decimal places)
rounded_latitudes <- round(latitudes, 1)
rounded_longitudes <- round(longitudes, 1)

# Combine rounded lat, lon into a dataframe and find unique rounded coordinates
coords_df <- data.frame(lat = rounded_latitudes, lon = rounded_longitudes)
unique_coords <- distinct(coords_df)

# Step 2: Lookup time zones only for unique rounded coordinates
unique_coords$time_zone <- tz_lookup_coords(unique_coords$lat, unique_coords$lon, method = "accurate")

# Step 3: Join the time zones back to the original data based on rounded lat/lon
coords_df <- left_join(coords_df, unique_coords, by = c("lat", "lon"))

# Step 4: Now calculate dawn and dusk times in local time zone
dawn_dusk_times <- mapply(function(lat, lon, date, tz) {
# Calculate dawn and dusk in UTC (civil twilight)
sun_times <- getSunlightTimes(date = date, lat = lat, lon = lon, keep = c("dawn", "dusk"))

# Convert to local time zone
sun_times$dawn <- with_tz(as.POSIXct(sun_times$dawn), tzone = tz)
sun_times$dusk <- with_tz(as.POSIXct(sun_times$dusk), tzone = tz)

}, latitudes, longitudes, dates, coords_df$time_zone, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

# Combine the results into a dataframe
dawn_dusk_df <-, dawn_dusk_times)

# Keep only dawn and dusk columns
dawn_dusk_df <- dawn_dusk_df[, c("dawn", "dusk")]

c <- bind_cols(c_sf, dawn_dusk_df) %>%

c <- c %>%
# Convert dusk and dawn POSIXct to time of day (hms)
dusk_time = as_hms(dusk),
dawn_time = as_hms(dawn),

# Subtract 30 minutes from dawn by manually converting 30 minutes to seconds (30 * 60 = 1800 seconds)
dawn_minus_30 = as_hms(as.numeric(dawn_time) - 1800),

# Compare the time of day (ignoring the date)
nocturnal = time_observations_started > dusk_time | time_observations_started < dawn_minus_30

chk <- c %>%
ampm = (time_observations_started > hm("22:00") | time_observations_started < hm("4:00")) &
(time_observations_started + minutes(duration_minutes) < hm("6:00")) &
number_species > 10,
midnight = time_observations_started == hms("00:00:00"),
ampm = nocturnal == TRUE & number_species > 10,
midnight = time_observations_started == hms(0, 0, 0),
high_number_species = number_species > too_many_species,
only_one_species = all_species_reported & number_species==1 & duration_minutes > 5,
same_count_all_species = all_species_reported & median_count>0 & number_distinct_count==1 & number_species > 5,
multi_day = time_observations_started + minutes(duration_minutes) > hours(24),
only_one_species = nocturnal == FALSE & all_species_reported & number_species == 1 & duration_minutes > 5,
same_count_all_species = all_species_reported & median_count > 0 & number_distinct_count == 1 & number_species > 5,
multi_day = nocturnal == FALSE & as.numeric(time_observations_started) + (duration_minutes * 60) > 86400,
too_many_observers = number_observers > too_many_observers,
too_short_duration = all_species_reported & number_species/duration_minutes > 10,
too_fast = effort_distance_km/duration_minutes*60 > 60,
complete_media = all_species_reported & number_media==number_species,
complete_media = nocturnal == FALSE & all_species_reported & number_media == number_species,
not_stationary = protocol_type == "Stationary" & number_species > too_many_species_stationary,
not_traveling = protocol_type=="Traveling" & effort_distance_km < 0.03
) %>%
mutate(pelagic_too_long = ifelse(protocol_type == "eBird Pelagic Protocol" & duration_minutes > 75, TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
mutate(specialized_protocol = !(protocol_type %in% c("Historical", "Traveling", "Incidental", "Stationary"))) %>%
mutate(no_observer_mismatch = ifelse(no_checklists > number_observers, TRUE, FALSE))

chk <- st_as_sf(chk, coords = c("longitude", "latitude"), crs = 4326) %>%
st_transform(crs = 3857)

chk <- chk %>%
st_join(continents_buffer) %>%
mutate(no_observer_mismatch = ifelse(no_checklists > number_observers, TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
mutate(too_long_distance_land = ifelse(! & effort_distance_km > too_long_land,
mutate(too_long_distance_offshore = ifelse( & effort_distance_km > too_long_offshore,
st_drop_geometry() %>%

chk <- chk %>%
select(-c(time_observations_started, all_species_reported, number_distinct_count,
median_count, number_media, checklist_link, checklist_id, observer_id)) %>%
relocate(no_checklists, .after = number_observers)
select(url, locality:time_observations_started, protocol_type, duration_minutes,
effort_distance_km, number_observers, number_species,

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion check_ebird_checklists/server.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ server <- function(input, output) {

create_chk(inFile$datapath, input$too_many_species, input$too_many_species_stationary, input$too_long_land, input$too_many_observers, input$too_long_offshore) %>%
select(url:number_species, all_of(input$vars)) %>%
mutate(dubious = apply(.[, 10:ncol(.)], 1, any)) %>%
mutate(dubious = apply(.[, all_of(input$vars)], 1, any)) %>%
filter(dubious == TRUE) %>%
select(-dubious) %>%
rowwise() %>%
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion check_ebird_checklists/ui.R
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Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ ui <- fluidPage(
HTML("<p><li>ampm: A frequent issue is for the time to be entered as AM instead of PM (i.e., in the middle of the night, rather than in the afternoon).</li>
<li>midnight: Starting a checklist at midnight should be quite uncommon, but it's often used to enter day-list or incorrectly add time on a historical/incidental list without time.</li>
<li>high_number_species: Checklists with an exceptionally high number of species (<b>X</b>, relative to your region) are generally indicative of multi-day lists or list-building.</li>
<li>only_one_species: A complete checklist with a single species is often indicative of incorrectly checking the 'Complete' button.</li>
<li>only_one_species: A complete checklist with a single species is often indicative of incorrectly checking the 'Complete' button. Nocturnal checklists are not flagged, as it is quite common to only have one species when owling.</li>
<li>same_count_all_species: Most commonly occurs when the number of individuals for every species is 1, in which case it is possible that the correct selection should be X to mark presence.</li>
<li>multi_day: Checklists that span over two days are not valid.</li>
<li>too_many_observers: Checklists with more than <b>X</b> people could represent multi-party effort or some other issue.</li>
Expand Down

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