Node.js wrapper for SSLCommerz API Using Promises
SSLCommerz Developer Page:
Clone the project from gitlab .zip, unzip and copy folder to your Node Project Directory.
git clone
Using npm
npm install --save sslcommerz-nodejs
Initialization of SSLCommerz class with store_id, store_passwd.
const SSLCommerz = require('sslcommerz-nodejs');
let settings = {
isSandboxMode: true, //false if live version
store_id: "storeid",
store_passwd: "storepasswd"
let sslcommerz = new SSLCommerz(settings);
Basic Usage to intialize a transaction session.
let post_body = {};
post_body['total_amount'] = 100.26;
post_body['currency'] = "BDT";
post_body['tran_id'] = "12345";
post_body['success_url'] = "your success url";
post_body['fail_url'] = "your fail url";
post_body['cancel_url'] = "your cancel url";
post_body['emi_option'] = 0;
post_body['cus_name'] = "test";
post_body['cus_email'] = "";
post_body['cus_phone'] = "01700000000";
post_body['cus_add1'] = "customer address";
post_body['cus_city'] = "Dhaka";
post_body['cus_country'] = "Bangladesh";
post_body['shipping_method'] = "NO";
post_body['multi_card_name'] = ""
post_body['num_of_item'] = 1;
post_body['product_name'] = "Test";
post_body['product_category'] = "Test Category";
post_body['product_profile'] = "general";
sslcommerz.init_transaction(post_body).then(response => {
}).catch(error => {