First of all you need to downolad packages
npm install
To run the application, you will first need to start the json-server on port 4000
json-server --watch db.json --port 4000
Once the server is running, you can then start the application by running the command
npm start
Make sure that you are in the correct directory when running these commands.
All files are located in the /src folder
This folder contains Axios instances. You can change the port of the JSON-server in the axios_pokemons.ts file
To change port you can replace ":4000" with any other port number you want. For example, if you want to use port 5000, you can update the baseURL as follows:
const instance = axios.create({
baseURL: "http://localhost:5000
Make sure that the json-server is also running on the same port
This folder contains most of the components used to build the application
This component is responsible for pagination
After selecting a Pokemon, the user is redirected to this component. It displays all the information about the selected Pokemon
This component receives props to display a single unit of information with a particular style. It was created to make the code more modular
This component displays the Pokemons obtained from db.json according to pagination. It is the first page that users see when they run the app
This component is used in PokemonAllInfo.tsx and Pokemons.tsx. It is responsible for displaying the box with the Pokemon's: image, name, ID, and types
Rest of the components used in this app responsible for being directly displayed in the Router. These components collect other components from /src/Components and then are displayed in the Router in app.tsx
This component is responsible for displaying the 404 error
It connects the /Pagination and /Pokemons components to display a list of Pokemon that the user can choose from
This component displays information about the selected Pokemon and only uses the /PokemonAllInfo component
Contains all files related to redux
Contains all reducers
Contains all sagas
Connects all the reducers from /Redux/reducers
Redux store
Has global typs
This task was good to practise redux-saga. Now i feel more confident with it
It was my first contact with json-server but after this task I think it is awesome!
I focused on the folder structure
Clear cod was moust of more important things to me in this task