- You may need IW4MAdmin version
or later.
Plugin to share banlist between clans. How it works ?
- When you ban a client, the ban will added to globanlist Database.
- When a Banned client on globanlist Database joins your servers you will receive a notifications on discord.
- Copy Plugin in IW4MAdmin/plugins directory
- Restart IW4MAdmin.
- Contact me on discord
to create an token for your clan (You can't use this plugin without authentication token). - Create a discord webhook to receive informations about globanlisted players on your servers.
- Open
, you'll see something like:
"Globanlist": {
"Author": "Zwambro",
"Version": 1.1,
- Replace
with your discord webhook, and replacePASTZWAMBROAPIHERE
with your Zwambro API token, save the configs. - visit Zwambro.pw to see all bans.
- DANGER clan for testing.
- IW4Madmin developers.
- Miltan aka WatchMiltan.