This is the implementation of the following paper:
Download full Stanford Tagger version 3.8.0
Install sent2vec from
- Clone/Download the directory
- go to sent2vec directory and make
- Download a pre-trained model (see readme of Sent2Vec repo) , for example wiki_bigrams.bin
Install requirements pip -r requirements.txt
Download NLTK data
import nltk'punkt')
- Set the paths in config.ini.template
- set jar_path to your_stanford_path/stanford-postagger.jar
- set model_directory_path to your_stanford_path/models
- For [SENT2VEC]:
- set bin_path to the executable your_sent2vec_path/sent2vec/fasttext
- set your model_path to the pretrained model your_path_to_model/wiki_bigrams.bin (if you choosed wiki_bigrams.bin)
- rename config.ini.template to config.ini
You can launch the script to extract keyphrases from one document either by giving the raw text directly using -raw_text
python -raw_text 'this is the text i want to extract keyphrases from' -N 10
or you can specify a the path of a text file using -text_file argument :
python -text_file 'path/to/your/textfile' -N 10
If you have several documents in which you want to extract keyphrases the previous approach will be very slow because it will load the embedding model and the part of speech tagger each time. If you have several documents it is better to load the embedding model and the part of speech tagger once :
import launch
embedding_distributor = launch.load_local_embedding_distributor('en')
pos_tagger = launch.load_local_pos_tagger('en')
kp1 = launch.extract_keyphrases(embedding_distributor, pos_tagger, raw_text, 10, 'en') #extract 10 keyphrases
kp2 = launch.extract_keyphrases(embedding_distributor, pos_tagger, raw_text2, 10, 'en')
This return for each text a tuple containing three lists:
- The top N candidates (string) i.e keyphrases
- For each keyphrase the associated relevance score
- For each keyphrase a list of alias (other candidates very similar to the one selected as keyphrase)
This is the implementation of the following paper:
By using sentence embeddings , EmbedRank embeds both the document and candidate phrases into the same embedding space.
N candidates are selected as keyphrases by using Maximal Margin Relevance using the cosine similarity between the candidates and the document in order to model the informativness and the cosine similarity between the candidates is used to model the diversity.
An hyperparameter, beta (default=0.55), controls the importance given to informativness and diversity when extracting keyphrases. (beta = 1 only informativness , beta = 0 only diversity) You can change the beta hyperparameter value when calling extract_keyphrases:
kp1 = launch.extract_keyphrases(embedding_distributor, pos_tagger, raw_text, 10, 'en', beta=0.8) #extract 10 keyphrases with beta=0.8