Linux: run
Windows: run windowsInstall.ps1
All shells use lsDeluxe for icons/colorizing and RipGrep for improved searching
Custom status line shows branch, filename, LSP diagnostics, operating system, encoding, and row/column:
Status lines also dynamically change on a per-buffer basis:
Name | Location | Description |
auto-pairs | ...\start\ | Automatic bracket pairing |
fuzzyy | ...\start\ | In-program fuzzy finder |
indentLine | ...\start\ | Shows vertical indendation bars |
rainbow | ...\start\ | Bracket colorizer |
vimcomplete | ...\start\ | A lightweight vim9script autocompletion engine |
vim-c-cpp-modern | ...\start\ | Improved syntax highlighting for C/C++ |
vim-gitgutter | ...\start\ | Shows git diff changes in left gutter |
lsp | ...\opt\ | Vim9Script Language Server compatibility layer |
vim-gruvbox8 | ...\opt\ | A retro-themed low-contrast colorscheme |
The updatePlugins
scripts can be used to quickly update all plugins.
To use, place the scripts in ~/.vim/pack/plugins/
then call the script corresponding to your shell.