To create a predictive model which can predict the composition and underlying structure (Functional Groups present in the compound) of a new organic compound from its FTIR data given being trained on structures of different compounds and their Infrared Spectroscopy.
- Understand the Chemical composition and internal structure of organic compound.
- Use Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopes of compounds to determine underlining chemistry.
- Use Machine Learning techniques to perform FTIR data analysis.
- Find suitable FTIR spectroscopes for various compounds along with their Internal Molecular Stucture.
- Pre-process the FTIR Spectroscopes for elimination of noise as well as normalizing the data for featurizing along with creating a common wavelength IR Spectroscopy for all compounds.
- Extract Functional groups in a compound from the Molecular structure files acquired for the compound.
- Validate the data for Dimensionality Reducution to obtain features.
- Build and Hypertune the parameters of a Nueral Network for prediction of Internal Structure of an organic compound.
- Visualize the FTIR Spectroscopes and final model.
For the tech stack used in the project:
pip install requirements.txt