This is a Natural Language Generation project that first trains itself on the corpus of lyrics by any artist and then generate its own lyrics given some starting seed lyric string.
The dataset was generated using a python web scraping script that collects lyrics of all songs by a particular artist and saves them in lyrics_scraped.txt . Some other songs' lyrics also are manually collected from the web for which the lyrics could not be scraped and saved in lyrics_manual_extract.txt. Both of these files are combined into one file : lyrics_final.txt
For the purposes of this project, Eminem's songs' lyrics would be used to train the model.
The core code of the project is present in char_level_model_eminem_lyrics_generator.ipynb file.
Specify the location of lyrics file. Currently, it reads the dataset from lyrics_final.txt. :
# dataset directory
dataset ="dataset\lyrics_final.txt"
text = ""
with open(dataset,"r") as ds:
text =
A lot of preprocessing is done on the dataset including removing punctuation, special characters, digits, specially formatted text ( like [intro - eminem], [beatboxing], [chorus - 50 cent], [8X] (8 times repeat), [ Verse 3 ], [ Trick Trick ], [Chorus], etc).
After the preprocessing step, the data is converted into text sequences of fixed length i.e. 30 characters ( training data - x ) and next character ( training label - y ).
# dividing dataset lyrics into sentences and next character prediction
input_text = []
next_char_prediction = []
for each_lyric in lyrics:
for i in range(0, len(each_lyric) - INPUT_TEXT_LEN_FIXED):
input_text.append(each_lyric[i: i + INPUT_TEXT_LEN_FIXED])
next_char_prediction.append(each_lyric[i + INPUT_TEXT_LEN_FIXED])
Two dictionaries are also maintained : char_to_index (responsible for converting a character into an index value) and index_to_char (responsible for converting an index value to its corresponding character).
# Create a dictionary mapping from character to index
char_to_index = dict((c, i) for i, c in enumerate(chars))
# Create a dictionary mapping from index to character
index_to_char = dict((i, c) for i, c in enumerate(chars))
The data is then vectorized into one hot encoding as folllows :
x = np.zeros((len(input_text), INPUT_TEXT_LEN_FIXED, len(chars)), dtype=np.bool)
y = np.zeros((len(next_char_prediction), len(chars)), dtype=np.bool)
for idx, each_input_text in enumerate(input_text):
for char_pos, char in enumerate(each_input_text):
x[idx, char_pos, char_to_index[char]] = 1
y[idx, char_to_index[next_char_prediction[idx]]] = 1
This data is then fed to the character level model given in next section.
# Lyrics Generation Model
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(128, return_sequences=True, input_shape=(INPUT_TEXT_LEN_FIXED, len(chars))))
model.add(Dense(100, activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(len(chars), activation='softmax'))
optimizer = Adam(lr=0.001, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08, decay=0.0, amsgrad=False)
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=optimizer, metrics=["accuracy"])
The training was carried on for 100+ epochs with each epoch taking almost 20+ minutes. The trained model is saved in lyrics_gen_model.h5.
The model can be directly run/tested using eminem_lyrics_generate_from_seed.ipynb file. This file loads the trained model and accepts the starting seed lyric value and then generate lyrics of its own.
# Characters allowed (a-z), (') , (,), (\n), (<SPACE>) - 30 chars
seed = "I've been driving around your side"
# Given function will use the seed string to generate the most probable next 400 characters
# Let's see what the model has learned!
These are some sample outputs that model gave for following seed lyrics :
Note : These are uncensored lyrics and entirely the outcome of trained model.
- Seed : "''cause it feels so empty without me"
Lyrics generated from seed:
''cause it feels so empty without me
i said this is what i'm sayin'
and i said this is what i do that i was back in a controversy
'cause it feels so empty without me
i said this is here in the bathroom of the back of the motherfuckers wanna start stanting
i'm tired of seen the shit to me
so fuck it, i'm sorry
i'm so bad i want me to be able to be a father
i was bad guts, what y
- Seed : "I've been driving around your side"
Lyrics generated from seed:
i've been driving around your brain
see weed there's a couple of minutes
shoot and the way you don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful
oh, it's let fire
you welcome to through this shit
i'm a stall of bed it's the real life to see, i'm sorry
you don't wanna see you was a friend but i was blowing me
i said this is what i'm says
i was born and i'm not a machine got the start of me
i was black and the way that i said i'm so somethi
- Seed : "tired of wanting to be him"
Lyrics generated from seed :
tired of wanting to be him
tired of all of my life with me
i can't even try to set she as play so much
what do i got some straight on my friends
i'm a change in the booth
i'mma be a bath of mind of the one of the game
it's a soldier
so nother song and started him
'cause i don't give a fuck
i'm murder than the preads is up in the brains, couldn't start up to be this distorth, and redict way to be the money in the denner, but i
When the model started training itself, it knew nothing. It had no idea regarding what are lyrics, how they are constructed, what is a sentence or a word.
Over several training epochs, it learnt how characters are added together to form words, words are added to form sentences and sentences are combined to form lyrics.
The model is not producing perfectly meaningful lyrics but it still has come a long way in terms of language modelling, recognising various patterns in the lyrics and being able to generate lyrics of its own, beginning with a given seed value.