Online competitive debate Discord bot; revamped to accommodate slash commands. Currently serves over 5000 servers and countless debaters. There are plans to expand its features. Feel free to reach out for suggestions.
Command | Argument | Description |
/commands |
None | Displays all commands |
/ping |
None | Measures response time between client and the Hear Hear bot |
/getmotion |
None for now | Displays a random motion from the hellomotions motion bank |
/coinflip |
None | Randomly displays either heads or tails |
/timer |
Time to count down from with format XmYs , e.g. 7m15s or 8m or 30s |
Creates an on-screen timer |
Developers: Tasdid Tahsin and Bob Albayda
Avatar design: Sharaf Ahmed
French translation: Victor Babin, Étienne Beaulé, Thierry Jean, Nuzaba Tasannum
Special mention: Najib Hayder and Azmaeen Md Nibras