JustAFK is a Minecraft server Spigot plugin originally by alexbennett, available here.
JustAFK brings is a simple, yet powerful AFK (away from keyboard) plugin for Minecraft Spigot servers.
To install JustAFK, simply drop the jar file into the server's plugin directory and restart it. A configuration file will be automatically created which you can edit to fine-tune the installation.
This plugin is currently being reworked and is considered to be in its 'alpha' stage of its 'version 2'. The latest alpha build is; it is available in the 'releases' section. The plugin will be for Minecraft versions between 1.7.10 and 1.14.3.
This plugin, both the original version by alexbennet and this reworked version, is released under a MIT licence, available in the LICENSE.txt file.
- Optional, automatic kicking of AFK players
- Configurable AFK time limit
- Configurable plugin options using the generated
file - Players are automatically hidden from others when going AFK (configurable)
- Automatic detection of players returning from AFK (e.g. when moving or chatting)
- Set a status when going AFK
- Fully customizable messages using the generated
file - Integration with PlaceholderAPI
- The option to support 'link jars' (plugins which integrate this plugin with other plugins this plugin does not natively support)
- /afk: Sets yourself to away, making your player invisible and broadcasting a message to the server.
- /afk [<reason>]: Sets yourself to away as above, but also includes a reason.
- /justafk: Get the plugin version.
- /whosafk: Shows you a list of who is currently set to away on the server.
- /setafk <player>: Sets the specified player to away.
- /setafk <player> [<reason>]: Sets the specified player to away, but also includes a reason.
- /afkhelp: Show the help page.
- /isafk <player>: See if a player is AFK and get the AFK reason.
- /afkkickall [force]: Kick all AFK players.
- /afkconfig save|reload|{get <file> <field>}|{set <file> <field> [sub-field] <value>}: Save, reload, get and set config file values.
- /afkplayer [<player>] <setting> <value>: Set the values in the
configuration file.
The following text describes the permissions recognised by the plugin, including their relationships and who they apply to by default; a brief description os given of each node.
description: The root JustAFK permission
default: op
justafk.afk: true
justafk.list: true
justafk.isafk: true
justafk.setafk: true
justafk.kickall.force: true
justafk.immune.*: true
justafk.config.*: true
justafk.player.*: true
description: The default permission for players to set their AFK status.
default: op
description: The permission to list AFK players.
default: op
description: The permission to see if a player is AFK.
default: op
description: The permission to set another player as AFK.
default: op
description: Makes the player immune to automatic kicking and lightning.
default: op
justafk.immune.afk: true
justafk.immune.kick: true
justafk.immune.lightning: true
description: Makes the player immune to being set to AFK after a set interval of time.
default: op
description: Makes the player immune to being kicked.
default: op
description: Makes the player immune to lightning.
default: op
description: Lets the player kick all AFK players
default: op
justafk.kickall: true
description: Lets the player kick all non-exempt AFK players
default: op
description: The root config management permissions.
default: op
justafk.config.seemessages: true
justafk.config.save: true
justafk.config.reload: true
justafk.config.set.*: true
description: Makes the player able to see config messages.
default: op
description: Makes the player able to save the config.
default: op
description: Makes the player able to reload the config.
default: op
description: Set the config values
default: op
justafk.config.set.config: true
justafk.config.set.localisation: true
justafk.config.set.players: true
justafk.config.get: true
description: Set the config values in the config file
default: op
description: Set the config values in the localisation file
default: op
description: Set the config values in the players file
default: op
justafk.player.afkexempt.others: true
justafk.player.seehidden.others: true
justafk.player.kickexempt.others: true
justafk.player.lightningexempt.others: true
description: Get the config values
default: op
description: Set AFK player settings
default: op
justafk.player.afkexempt.others: true
justafk.player.seehidden.others: true
justafk.player.kickexempt.others: true
justafk.player.lightningexempt.others: true
description: Set whether players have exemption from being automatically set AFK or not
default: op
justafk.player.afkexempt: true
description: Set whether you have exemption from being automatically set AFK or not
default: op
description: Set whether players can see AFK hidden players or not
default: op
justafk.player.seehidden: true
description: Set whether you can see AFK hidden players or not
default: op
description: Set whether players are exempt from being kicked if they are AFK or not
default: op
justafk.player.kickexempt: true
description: Set whether you are exempt from being kicked if you are AFK or not
default: op
description: Set whether plyers are exempt from lightning when they go AFK or not
default: op
justafk.player.lightningexempt: true
description: Set whether you are exempt from lightning when you go AFK or not
default: op
This plugin has optional support for the PlaceholderAPI plugin. Most of JustAFK's messages can be customised using the localisation.yml
configuration file. The messages in this file can be given any placeholder defined in the PlaceholderAPI plugin. Additionaly, JustAFK defines four placeholders which may be used in this plugin or other plugins.
The four placeholders are:
- JustAFK_afk - returns 'away' or 'not away'
- JustAFK_afkexempt - returns 'afk exempt' or 'not afk exempt'
- JustAFK_kickexempt - returns 'kick exempt' or 'not kick exempt'
- JustAFK_lightningexempt - returns 'lightning exempt' or 'not lightning exempt'
This plugin has three configuration files. config.yml
configures various plugin parameters, players.yml
stores some information about every player and localisation.yml
configures the plugin messages.
The config.yml file has various options, as shown below.
tagmessages: true # If enabled, all AFK messages will be tagged with "[JustAFK]"
colourchar: '&' # The Bukkit colour code character (do not change this)
autokick: true # If enabled, players will be kicked automatically if inactive
lightning: false # Whether to strike AFK players with lightning or not
hideawayplayers: true # Whether to make AFK players invisible or not
broadcastawaymsg: true # Whether to broadcast when players go away or not
broadcastkickmessage: true # Whether to broadcast AFK player kick messages or not
movementcheckfreq: 30 # The amount of time in seconds to check player movement for inactivity.
kicktime: 60 # The amount of time in seconds that a player can be AFK before being kicked
inactivetime: 90 # The amount of time in seconds that a player can be inactive before being set to AFK
kickwhileinvehicle: true # Whether to kick players in vehicles or not
returnonlook: true # Whether players should be returned from being AFK by looking around or not
sleepingimmuneisafkimmune: false # If sleeping-immune players are immune from being automatically set AFK
sneakingisautiafkimmune: false # If sneaking players are immune from being automatically set AFK
sleepingisautoafkimmune: false # If sleeping players are immune from being automatically set AFK
deadisautoafkimmune: false # If dead players are immune from being automatically set AFK
invehicleisautoafkimmune: false # If players in vehicles are immune from being automatically set AFK
The options for the players.yml file are shown below.
afkexempt: false # Whether the player is exempt from being automatically set AFK or not
seehidden: false # Whether the player cans see hidden AFK players or not
kickexempt: false # Whether the player is exempt from being kicked or not
lightningexempt: false # Whether the player is exempt from being struck by lightning when going AFK or not
The options for the localisation.yml file are shown below. Any of the messages can accept any placeholder defined by the PlaceholderAPI plugin.
enable_message: '{plugin} {version} has been successfully enabled.'
auto_kick: '{name} has been kicked for inactivity.'
auto_away: 'Are you still there? Move around, if you are.'
private_return: 'You are no longer away.'
public_return: '{name} is no longer away with the reason "{reason}".'
private_away: 'You have been set to away.'
public_away_reason: '&c{name} has been set to away for "{reason}", giving the message: "{message}".'
public_away_generic: '&c{name} has been set to away for "{reason}".'
currently_away: '&eThese players are currently set to away: {names}'
nobody_away: 'There is nobody currently set to away.'
setafk_away_private: 'You have been set to away by {name}.'
setafk_return_private: 'You have been set to available by {name}.'
kick_reason: '&cYou were inactive for too long!'
player_command: '&cYou must be a player to use this command.'
no_permission: '&cYou do not have permission to use this command.'
help_header: '&3{plugin} commands'
help_justafk: '/justafk - Get information about the plugin'
help_afk: '/afk [<reason>] - Set yourself as AFK with an optional reason'
help_whosafk: '/whosafk - List the AFK players'
help_setafk: '/setafk <player> [<reason>] - Set another player as AFK with an optional reason'
help_afkhelp: '/afkhelp - The help command for {plugin}'
help_isafk: '/isafk <player> - Check if another player is AFK and get the reason'
help_afkconfig: '/afkconfig save|reload|{list <file>}|{get <file> <field>}|{set <file> <field> [sub-field] <value>} - Save of reload the configuration files'
help_afkkick: '/afkkickall [force] - Kick all players with the option of forcing immune players to be kicked'
help_afkplayer: '/afkplayer [<player>] <setting> <value> - The command to manage player AFK settings '
version_message: '&1{plugin} is version {version}.'
no_player: '&cThe specified player could not be found.'
not_afk: '{name} is not AFK.'
is_afk: '{name} is away.'
afk_reason: '{name} is away for reason: {reason}.'
afk_message: '{name} went away for reason: {message}.'
use_afkhelp: 'Use /afkhelp for help on the plugin.'
conf_save_success: '&a{plugin} {conf} configuration saved.'
conf_save_fail: '&c{plugin} {conf} configuration could not be saved.'
conf_reload: '&a{plugin} {conf} configuration reloaded.'
conf_not_field: '&cThat is not a field in the {plugin} {conf} file.'
conf_field_set: '&aThe {plugin} {conf} file field has been set to {val}.'
conf_field_notset: '&cThe {plugin} {conf} file field could not be set to {val}.'
player_field_set: '&aThe {field} field for player {name} has been set to {val}.'
player_field_set_self: '&aYour {field} option has been set to {val}.'
player_field_notset: '&cThe field could not be set as the value given was invalid.'
mass_kick: '&cYou were kicked for being inactive.'
mass_kicker: 'Inactive players were kicked.'