The design and implementation of a library database accessible via the web
With emphasis on relational algebra, database design, query optimisation, and responsive web design.
Modeling language: entity-relationship model (Chen notation)
Server-side: PHP 8.0.9 and Oracle SQL 19c
Client-side: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 5
Data generation: Java with JDBC
set up a local database using Oracle's RDBMS and modify your database credentials in the databasehelper file accordingly
run the drop.sql and create.sql files in that order on your local server in order to instantiate all the necessary relations along with their integrity and reference constraints
either run the dml.sql file to populate the database you've now created with some test data or run the [REMOVED] (eg. in bash:
java -jar TestdataGenerator.jar
) for a larger set of tuples (thousands of rows) -
open the index.php file in your browser
The website is designed with responsiveness in mind and thus maintains visual clarity regardless of the device it is viewed on.