这是橙皮书的开源客户端,使用React + React Native + React Native Navigation + Typescript实现,希望可以和橙皮书一起传递区块链正能量。
git clone git@github.com:aaronisme/orangepaper.git
yarn start
上边开启了react native的 packaging server,请在Xcode or Android Studio 中 start 这个project。
- React - The UI Framework
- ReactNaitve - The UI Framework
- Typesrcipt - language
Help Wanted 特别希望有UI设计的朋友,可以一起贡献把这橙皮书的移动客户端做的更好。
- 特别感谢orangepaper团队的支持。 @RetricSu
- OrangePaper
this is the open source mobile client for OrangenPaper. Hope to work with the orangepaper team to exploer the exsiting blockchain world.
if you would like to start the porject locally, follow these steps
git clone git@github.com:aaronisme/orangepaper.git
yarn start
start the app in Xcode or Android studio
- React - The UI Framework
- ReactNaitve - The UI Framework
- Typesrcipt - language
if you would like to contribute this project, welcome the PR and issues
Help Wanted if any UI designer would like to offer some help, really thanks!
- Thanks the support for OrangePaper team。 @RetricSu
- OrangePaper