ARIAC simulation setup with TB3 as a testbench for PCL modules with LiDAR and Intel Realsense d435 Depth Camera
The simulation environment of TurtleBot3 in Gazebo using the ARIAC factory floor world can be used via the ariac_tb3
Realsense D435 camera plugins
Two packages realsense_gazebo_plugin
and realsense2_description
are used for the D435 camera plugin.
To setup individually,
sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-realsense2-camera
sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-realsense2-description
To run a unit test on whether the camera is working fine standalone, source your workspace and then,
roslaunch realsense2_description view_d435_model_rviz_gazebo.launch
To spawn tb3 in ariac standalone:
roslaunch ariac_tb3 turtlebot_ariac.launch
I have modified URDF xacros for the TurtleBot BURGER model, not WAFFLE_PI. Ensure that the TURTLEBOT3 model is set to BURGER.
To launch TB3(Burger) with the Intel Realsense D435 depth camera mounted on it,
export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger;roslaunch ariac_tb3 turtlebot3_D435_ariac.launch
The package groundplane_segmentation
is used to segment the ground plane from the point cloud obtained from the D435 depth camera on the TurtleBot3.
Configure the parameters in groundplane_segmentation/config/params.yaml
ROS Topics:
LIDAR_TOPIC_SUBSCRIBE: Topic to subscribe the Point Cloud from.
SEG_PUB: Topic on which to publish the segmented Point Cloud.
To publish the point cloud without the ground, toggle the param bool_display_groundplane
in params.yaml
Set false to remove the inliers AKA ground points, and keep the rest of the points.
bool_display_groundplane = true | bool_display_groundplane = false |
Segmentation Parameters for tuning:
MAX_HEIGHT: # Max height upto which points above the ground plane are considered part of the ground plane.
MAX_HEIGHT = 0.2 | MAX_HEIGHT = 0.007 |
FLOOR_MAX_ANGLE: # Angle between the XY plane at the cameras height and it's optical plane.
(Angle at which the camera pitches down)
bool_filter_ground: Toggle to enable groundplane segmentation.
While the simulation is up and running,
roslaunch groundplane_segmentation groundplane_seg.launch