Swap, Deposit, and Withdraw from a liquidity pool comprising of two Tokens.
- You will need the tokens of the trading pair,
, to Swap, Deposit, and Withdraw. Please email me your wallet address ataaronjanovitch@gmail.com
and I'll send you the tokens. - Also, you'll want to add the custom tokens on metamask so that you can see your balances and transactions. To do this you'll need the USD address,
, and the Le address,0xB055C28406722796E54A458b4A44D552cF963120
npm install
- Run web server
npm run start
- Run local blockchain
npm run ganache
- Deploy Tokens and AMM contract
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network ganache
- Seed AMM with transactions to view reserve history chart
npx hardhat run scripts/seed.js --network ganache
- View hardhat/ganache accounts' Ether & token balances
npx hardhat run scripts/getBalances.js --network ganache
npx hardhat test test/AMM.js
- Website: aaronjanovitch.com
- Twitter: @AJanovitch
- Github: @aaronjan98
- LinkedIn: @aaron-janovitch
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
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