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Development Version 1.1 Update #32

Development Version 1.1 Update

Development Version 1.1 Update #32

Workflow file for this run

# Copyright (C) 2023 Martin Scheiber and Christian Brommer,
# Control of Networked Systems, University of Klagenfurt, Austria.
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed under the terms of the BSD-2-Clause-License with
# no commercial use allowed, the full terms of which are made available
# in the LICENSE file. No license in patents is granted.
# You can contact the author at <> and
# <>.
name: ROS
branches: [ "main", "development" ]
- 'src/**'
- 'docker/install_ros1_*.sh'
- '.github/workflows/ros.yml'
branches: [ "main", "development"]
name: ROS ${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }} (${{ matrix.BUILD_TYPE }})
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
container: ros:${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }}-ros-core
fail-fast: false
ROS_DISTRO: [noetic, melodic]
BUILD_TYPE: [Release, Debug]
BADGE_CREATION: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' && github.repository_owner == 'aau-cns' }}
- name: Create Badge (running)
if: ${{ env.BADGE_CREATION == 'true' }}
uses: schneegans/dynamic-badges-action@v1.6.0
auth: ${{ secrets.GIST_SECRET }}
gistID: d4b4eee830e1c61a17ed35ecf413f8d1
filename: build_ros_${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }}_${{ matrix.BUILD_TYPE }}.json
label: ${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }}
message: running
color: orange
namedLogo: ROS
- name: Get newest Git version
run: >
apt update && apt install --no-install-recommends -y
&& add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa
&& apt update
&& apt install --no-install-recommends -y git
- name: Create Catkin Workspace
run: mkdir -p ${{github.workspace}}/flightstack_cws
- name: Checkout Latest Version
uses: actions/checkout@v3
path: ${{github.workspace}}/flightstack_cws
submodules: recursive
- name: Install Dependencies
working-directory: ${{github.workspace}}/flightstack_cws
run: >
docker/install_ros1_${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }}
# apt update && apt install --no-install-recommends -y
# doxygen
# graphviz
# build-essential
# libeigen3-dev
# libgoogle-glog-dev
# libgflags-dev
# libgeographic-dev
# geographiclib-tools
# ros-${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }}-dynamic-reconfigure
# ros-${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }}-eigen-conversions
# ros-${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }}-tf
# ros-${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }}-tf2-ros
# ros-${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }}-tf2-eigen
# ros-${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }}-mavlink
# ros-${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }}-nodelet
# ros-${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }}-geographic-msgs
# ros-${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }}-angles
# ros-${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }}-diagnostic-updater
# ros-${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }}-urdf
# ros-${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }}-control-toolbox
# - name: Install ROS-dependent dependencies
# if: ${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO == 'noetic' }}
# run: >
# apt update && apt install --no-install-recommends -y
# python3-catkin-tools
# python3-catkin-pkg
# python3-rospkg
# python3-rosdep
# python3-rosinstall-generator
# python3-future
# python3-lxml
# - name: Install ROS-dependent dependencies
# if: ${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO != 'noetic' }}
# run: >
# apt update && apt install --no-install-recommends -y
# python-catkin-tools
# python-rosdep
# python-rosinstall-generator
# python-future
# python-lxml
- name: Build
working-directory: ${{github.workspace}}/flightstack_cws
run: /bin/bash -c 'source /opt/ros/${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }}/setup.bash; catkin build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{ matrix.BUILD_TYPE }};'
- name: Create Badge (success)
if: ${{ success() && env.BADGE_CREATION == 'true' }}
uses: schneegans/dynamic-badges-action@v1.6.0
auth: ${{ secrets.GIST_SECRET }}
gistID: d4b4eee830e1c61a17ed35ecf413f8d1
filename: build_ros_${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }}_${{ matrix.BUILD_TYPE }}.json
label: ${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }}
message: passing
color: green
namedLogo: ROS
- name: Create Badge (failure)
if: ${{ failure() && env.BADGE_CREATION == 'true' }}
uses: schneegans/dynamic-badges-action@v1.6.0
auth: ${{ secrets.GIST_SECRET }}
gistID: d4b4eee830e1c61a17ed35ecf413f8d1
filename: build_ros_${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }}_${{ matrix.BUILD_TYPE }}.json
label: ${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }}
message: failure
isError: true
namedLogo: ROS
- name: Create Badge (cancelled)
if: ${{ cancelled() && env.BADGE_CREATION == 'true' }}
uses: schneegans/dynamic-badges-action@v1.6.0
auth: ${{ secrets.GIST_SECRET }}
gistID: d4b4eee830e1c61a17ed35ecf413f8d1
filename: build_ros_${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }}_${{ matrix.BUILD_TYPE }}.json
label: ${{ matrix.ROS_DISTRO }}
message: cancelled
color: inactive
namedLogo: ROS