A simple (customizable) react client tool to help you quickly generate your components.
Please send feedback to: aball9423@gmail.com Thanks!
The purpose of this node module is to be a simple react client tool. For now, it only generates components. It has limited configuration currently. This is still in beta, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
$npm install -g rgc
I haven't had time to test its backward comparability yet, but it's compatible for node v6.14.4 at the least
$rgc --help
$rgc new yourreactappname
To commit files to be added to your react app on creation in the top level directory (i.e. .eslintrc/.prettierc/etc.) Note: might require sudo to write files for now, will look into safer workaround. Sorry
$rgc commit <file>
-r, --remove it will remove the speficified filename
-p, --purge it will remove all committed files
-l, --list it will list all currently committed files
-p, --pure it will create a pure component
-d, --dir it will place the file in it's own directory
-o, --overwrite it will overwrite files if they exist
-t, --test it will create a test along with your component
-s, --style [extension] it will aditionally create a file sheet
-h, --help output usage information
$rgc config
$rgc print