Hi! I'm Anton.
I worked as an enterprise Java developer, doing boring stuff the hard way, and most of my code will never be seen by anyone, who hasn't signed an NDA. (That's probably for the best!)
Nowadays I joined start-up Teya and I even have a second GitHub profile.
I use this GitHub as a free hosting for my personal blog https://mrabar.me/
You may want to check out my OS projects:
- Discrepancies Scanner Maven Plugin
- Batman Anti Money Laundering: Hackaton submission; (Java 11, Helidon SE, Microstream)
- Replayka: PoC for blog analytics on free hostings; (Java 17, Quarkus, QueryDSL with Github OIDC)
If interested, you may reach me via Linkedin, email, or challenge me to a game of chess.