Giving good names to variables, functions and files can be difficult. Long names are always clear, but take time to read, space and are hard to remember. Choosing a shorter form is better. If you use the abbreviations below, your naming will become more coherent, logical and understandable to other programmers (even newbies).
Colored circles before the abbr mean the degree of recommendation:
- π’ Recommended
- π‘ Context-sensitive β’ Context is specified between { }
- π΄ Not recommended
- abbreviation β’ π’ abbr
- absolute β’ π’ abs
- acronym β’ π’ acro
- action β’ π΄ act
- active β’ π΄ act
- actual β’ π΄ act
- addition β’ π’ sum
- address β’ π’ addr
- algorithm β’ π’ algo
- allocation β’ π‘ alloc { memory }
- alternative β’ π’ alt
- annotation β’ π’ anno
- application β’ π’ app
- arccosecant β’ π’ acosec
- arccosine β’ π’ acos
- arccotangent β’ π’ acot β’ π’ actg
- arcsecant β’ π’ asec
- arcsine β’ π’ asin
- arctangent β’ π’ atan
- argument β’ π’ arg
- array β’ π’ arr
- asynchronous β’ π’ async
- attribute β’ π’ attr
- authentication β’ π’ auth
- auxiliary β’ π’ aux
- average β’ π’ avg
- background β’ π’ bg
- battery β’ π‘ bat { power }
- binary β’ π’ bin
- boolean β’ π’ bool
- break β’ π΄ brk
- breakline β’ π‘ bl { encoding }
- buffer β’ π΄ buf β’ π’ buff
- button β’ π’ btn
- calculator β’ π’ calc
- callback β’ π’ cb
- certificate β’ π’ cert
- channel β’ π‘ ch { connections }
- character β’ π’ char
- check β’ π’ chk
- checksum β’ π‘ csum { operations }
- circle β’ π‘ circ { shapes }
- class β’ π΄ cls
- clear β’ π’ clr
- collection β’ π’ coll
- column β’ π’ col
- command β’ π’ cmd
- commercial β’ π‘ com { URLs }
- common β’ π΄ com β’ π΄ comm
- communication β’ π’ com
- comparison β’ π‘ cmp { conditional operators }
- component β’ π’ comp
- concatenation β’ π’ concat
- condition β’ π’ cond
- configuration β’ π΄ cfg β’ π΄ conf β’ π’ config
- connection β’ π΄ con β’ π’ conn
- constant β’ π’ const
- container β’ π’ cntr
- context β’ π’ ctx
- continue β’ π’ cont
- control β’ π’ ctrl
- conversation β’ π’ conv
- coordinate β’ π’ coord
- copy β’ π΄ cpy
- cosecant β’ π’ cosec
- cosine β’ π’ cos
- cotangent β’ π’ cot β’ π’ ctg
- count β’ π’ cnt
- current β’ π΄ cur β’ π’ curr
- database β’ π’ db
- debug β’ π’ dbg
- decimal β’ π’ dec
- declaration β’ π’ decl
- decrease β’ π‘ dec { loops }
- default β’ π΄ def
- definition β’ π’ def
- degrees β’ π’ deg
- deletion β’ π’ del
- delta time β’ π‘ dt { calculations }
- dependency β’ π’ dep
- description β’ π’ desc
- destination β’ π’ dest
- developer β’ π’ dev
- development β’ π’ dev
- device β’ π‘ dev { devices }
- difference β’ π‘ diff { operations }
- dimension β’ π’ dim
- direction β’ π’ dir
- directory β’ π’ dir
- disable β’ π’ dis
- display β’ π’ disp
- division β’ π’ div
- document β’ π’ doc
- documentation β’ π’ docs
- driver β’ π’ drv
- dynamic β’ π’ dyn
- element β’ π’ elm
- enable β’ π’ en
- environment β’ π’ env
- equal β’ π‘ eq { binary operations }
- error β’ π’ err
- event β’ π’ e β’ π’ evt
- execution β’ π’ exe
- exponential β’ π’ exp
- expression β’ π’ expr
- extension β’ π’ ext
- facet β’ π’ fct
- factory β’ π’ fac
- figure β’ π’ fig
- file chooser β’ π’ fc
- file descriptor β’ π’ fd
- file processor β’ π’ fp
- file reader β’ π’ fr
- file system β’ π’ fs
- file writer β’ π’ fw
- for example β’ π’ e.g.
- format β’ π’ fmt
- fraction β’ π’ frac
- frequence β’ π’ freq
- function β’ π΄ f β’ π΄ fn β’ π’ func
- function pointer β’ π’ fp
- generation β’ π’ gen
- geometry β’ π’ geom
- greater or equal β’ π‘ ge { binary operations }
- greater than β’ π‘ gt { binary operations }
- hardware β’ π‘ hw { computer science }
- header β’ π΄ hdr
- height β’ π‘ h { shapes }
- hexadecimal β’ π’ hex
- horizontal β’ π‘ hor { shapes }
- identifier β’ π’ id
- image β’ π’ img
- implementation β’ π’ impl
- import β’ π’ imp
- inclusion β’ π’ inc
- increase β’ π‘ inc { loops }
- index β’ π’ idx
- information β’ π’ info
- initialization β’ π’ init
- input β’ π’ in
- insertion β’ π’ ins
- instance β’ π’ inst
- integer β’ π’ int
- interface β’ π’ iface β’ π΄ intf
- inverse β’ π’ inv
- iterator β’ π‘ iter { loops }
- key β’ π‘ k { only with val }
- keymap β’ π’ km
- keyword β’ π’ kwd
- language β’ π’ lang
- latitude β’ π‘ lat { only with coord }
- length β’ π’ len
- less or equal β’ π‘ le { binary operators }
- less than β’ π‘ lt { binary operators }
- level β’ π’ lvl
- library β’ π’ lib
- link β’ π΄ lnk
- linked list β’ π’ ll
- location β’ π’ loc
- longitude β’ π‘ lon { only with coord }
- manager β’ π’ mng
- matrix β’ π‘ mat { mathematics } β’ π‘ mtx { mathematics }
- maximum β’ π’ max
- memory β’ π’ mem
- message β’ π’ msg
- metadata β’ π‘ meta { data science }
- microcontroller β’ π’ mcu
- middle β’ π’ mid
- minimum β’ π’ min
- miscellaneous β’ π’ misc
- modulo β’ π’ mod
- multiplication β’ π’ mul
- mutable β’ π‘ mut { variables }
- navigation β’ π’ nav
- network β’ π’ net
- newline β’ π‘ nl { endcoding }
- no β’ π‘ n { only with y }
- node β’ π‘ $... { DOM }
- not equal β’ π‘ ne { binary operators }
- number β’ π’ num
- number of β’ π’ num
- object β’ π’ obj
- object key β’ π‘ key { only with val }
- octal β’ π’ oct
- open source β’ π΄ os
- open source software β’ π’ oss
- operating system β’ π’ os
- operation β’ π‘ op { binary operations }
- option β’ π’ opt
- order β’ π‘ ord { data science }
- organization β’ π’ org
- origin β’ π’ orig
- output β’ π’ out
- package β’ π’ pkg
- parameter β’ π’ param
- performance β’ π’ perf
- picture β’ π’ pic
- pixel β’ π’ px
- pointer β’ π‘ p { memory } β’ π’ ptr
- poligon β’ π’ pol
- position β’ π’ pos
- power β’ π‘ pwr { energy }
- predication β’ π’ pred
- prediction β’ π’ pred
- preference β’ π’ pref
- previous β’ π’ prev
- private β’ π’ priv
- process β’ π‘ proc { threads }
- production β’ π’ prod
- profiler β’ π’ prof
- property β’ π’ prop
- public β’ π’ pub
- query β’ π’ q β’ π΄ qry
- radians β’ π’ rad
- radius β’ π‘ r { circles }
- random β’ π’ rand β’ π΄ rnd
- range β’ π’ rng
- receive β’ π’ recv
- record β’ π’ rec
- rectangle β’ π‘ rect { shapes }
- reference β’ π’ ref
- regular expression β’ π’ regex β’ π΄ rgx
- relation β’ π’ rel
- remote β’ π’ rem
- remove β’ π’ rm β’ π’ rmv
- repository β’ π’ repo
- request β’ π’ req
- response β’ π’ res
- result β’ π’ res
- return β’ π’ ret
- revision β’ π’ rev
- script β’ π΄ sc
- secant β’ π’ sec
- selection β’ π’ sel
- semaphore β’ π‘ sem { conditional operators }
- separator β’ π’ sep
- sequence β’ π’ seq
- service β’ π’ svc
- session β’ π’ sess
- signed as prefix β’ π‘ s { modifiers }
- sine β’ π’ sin
- software β’ π‘ sw { computer science }
- solution β’ π΄ sln β’ π’ sol
- solver β’ π’ sol
- source β’ π’ src
- specification β’ π’ spec
- square root β’ π’ sqrt
- standard β’ π’ std
- standard input output β’ π’ stdio
- statement β’ π’ stmt
- statistic β’ π’ stat
- string β’ π’ str
- subtration β’ π’ sub
- synchronization β’ π’ sync
- table data β’ π’ td
- table header β’ π’ th
- table row β’ π’ tr
- tangent β’ π’ tan
- target β’ π΄ tgt
- temporary β’ π’ tmp β’ π’ temp
- text β’ π΄ txt
- time β’ π‘ t { physics }
- timer β’ π’ tmr
- timestamp β’ π’ ts
- to β’ π΄ 2
- toggle β’ π΄ tgl
- transaction β’ π’ tx
- type β’ π‘ t { modifiers } β’ π΄ tpe
- user β’ π‘ u { URLs } β’ π΄ usr
- utility β’ π’ util
- value β’ π‘ v { only with k } β’ π’ val
- variable β’ π’ var
- vector β’ π‘ v { physics } β’ π’ vec
- version β’ π’ v β’ π΄ ver
- vertical β’ π’ ver
- white space β’ π‘ ws { encoding }
- width β’ π‘ w { shapes }
- window β’ π’ win
- wizard β’ π’ wiz
- yes β’ π‘ y { only with n }
280 abbrs in the list