Scripts related to the analysis of RIBO-seq and bulkRNA-seq data of FTSJ1 KO cell lines and PDX data from primary and metastasis tumors by Nease et al.
- Sequencing reads and processed counts (raw and normalized counts) can be downloaded from GEO: GSE270971 and GEO: GSE270976.
Schematic description of the data processing workflow.
Upstream analysis can be performed using the script. It is written to analyze two different experimental types; Cell line RIBO-seq and PDX RNA-seq. In order to run it, reference files have to be set in config.txt file and aim and raw data folder have to be set in the command line. For the Raw data we need to specify the whole path plus the last "/". The script works as follows;
> `./ --aim RIBO_CELL|RNA_PDX --config config.txt --raw-data-dir <data_directory_path>`
>`./ --aim RIBO_CELL --config config.txt --raw-data-dir test_Data/ribo_cell/`
The script performs the following steps:
Step 1. Reads from bulk RNA-seq and RIBO-seq libraries from cell lines are trimmed using
Trim Galore
v0.6.10 to remove nucleotides with low quality and adaptor contamination. -
Step 2. For RIBO-seq data, duplicated reads created by PCR amplification are removed based on UMIs and using
scripts fromCTK tool kit
. -
Step 4. From
Trim Galore
output for RNA-seq andCTK
output for RIBO-seq, non-coding RNA is removed using a custom reference genome composed by miRNA, rRNA, tRNA and lncRNA sequences usingSTAR
v2.7.9a with–alignEndsType Local
. -
Step 5.
is used again with–alignEndsType EndToEnd
and–quantMode TranscriptomeSAM
, using GRCh38 primary assembly genome and MANE v1.2 annotation file to obtain transcriptome and genome mapping coordinates. -
Step 6. Using bam files originated from the mapping of RNA-seq reads to the whole genome, quantification of reads mapping to CDS regions is run using
v 2.0.1.
For Xenograft data, in addition to the steps described above, mouse reads are removed:
Step 3. Before non-coding RNA removal
v38.90 is used withambiguous2==”toss”
using gencode GRCh38 human and GRCm39 mouse references keeping only reads that mapped unambiguously to human reference. -
Step 7. Differential Expression Analysis is run based on the CDS gene counts obtained from bulk RNA-seq for the different conditions and using DESeq2 approach. DE_DESeq2.Rmd)
Using ribosome profiled bam files outputed from mapping to the transcriptome in Step 5
, samples' in-frame psite coverages were calculated using riboWaltz
package. This in-frame p-site coverages were used then to i) calculate stalling based on downstream cumulative distribution function (CDF) and ii) to calculate psite codon usage.
- Step 6.1: In-frame p-site identification and quantification:
For in-frame p-site coverage quantification, reads longer than 25 pb and shorter than 45 pb are kept and P-offsites are calculated for each read length using p-site function with default arguments. Based on those P-offsite, CDS in-frame p-site coverages are quantified for each gene and saved for TE analysis. Once, p-site position of each read is identified, only in-frame p-sites are kept for further stalliing CDF, heatmaps and readthrough analyses. P-site coverages for each Selenoprotein can be found here. Codon usage of p-site is calculated using codon_usage_psite
function from riboWaltz
(Extended Figure 3A). (Cell_line_psite_identification.Rmd).
- Step 6.2: Stalling CDF plots:
Once the p-site coverage through each selenoprotein and nucleotide position is identified, mean values and cumulative fractions across conditions are calculated through the entire gene body. (Cell_line_CDF.Rmd)
- Step 6.3: UGA recodring efficiency:
UGA recording efficiency was determined based on the obtained CDS p-site coverage. Ratio of 3’ and 5’ coverages are calculated based on fixed -X and +X bases relative to the Sec codon. Since we were using only CDS _p-site values, and for some of the selenoproteins the distance between Sec and stop codon is short, these fixed bins are different between selenoproteins. (Cell_line_footprint.Rmd)