- Machine learning Nanodegree projects on Udacity
- The course finished on the 1st of June, 2018
Section | Project | Topics | Status |
Exploratory Project | Titanic Survival Exploration | intro to numpy , scipy , matplotlib , ipython |
Done |
Model Evaluation and Validation | Predicting Boston Housing Prices | data reprocessing, learning algorithms training and evaluation, grid search | Done |
Supervised Learning | Build a sms spam detector | Basic NLP techniques using Machine learning | Done |
Supervised Learning | Finding Donors for CharityML | practice and evaluate supervised learning algorithms using sklearn and comparison of supervised classification learning algorithms, parameters optimization using grid search |
Done |
Unsupervised Learning | Creating Customer Segments | data preprocessing, features PCA, data clustering, interpret clusters | Done |
Reinforcement Learning | Train a Smartcab to Drive | reinforcement learning with Q Learning algorithms | Done |
Deep Learning | Build a Dog breed classifier | Dog breed classifier with Deep Neural Network and Keras |
Done |
Machine Learning Specializations | Capstone Project | Insult comment detector | Done |
- Original projects description, data, codes and reviews by Udacity should follow its licenses and Honor Codes
- Solutions, notes, codes by author follow MIT license