Deploy On Heroku
This repository can not able to deploy on heroku due to some reasons.
To deploy this bot in heroku..
1. Fork this Repository first.
2. Click on the button to Deploy and follow steps
3. Then just put your fb cookie XS & C_user id
2. Finally, deploy it from your own fork.
Press the below button to deploy on Heroku.
Report a Bug | Request Feature | Chat in Facebook
-> weather of city_name
returns current weather of entered city
-> meaning of any_word
returns meaning of entered word
-> translate hello to ne
returns translated text of hello
-> corona of country_name
returns details of corona virus
-> convert 1 usd to npr
-> convert 1 cal to joule
returns converted value
-> calculus integrate sin4xcos3x
-> calculus differentiate / derivative of sin4xtanx
returns image with stepwise solution
-> algebra solve 3x^2+4x-8=0
returns stepwise text solution instantly
-> query solve Kepler's third law, 4 solar masses, 5 Earth masses, 2.5 AU
returns stepwise solution of queries
<< syntax >> search image image_name num_of_images(optional)
returns 10 images by default if number not specified
-> search image laptop
returns 5 images of laptop
-> search image laptop 10
returns 10 images of laptop
(same syntax as image search)
-> search pdf python programming book 5
returns 5 links books of python programming book pdf
-> C program to print fibonacci sequence
-> python program to swap two numbers
-> java program to find length of string
returns image solution of entered question
--> When someone sent you a message and then if they unsend it, you can view it
The bot immediately send the unsent message again to the user
Same goes if they send image and unsend it.. You can view the unsent images immediately.
-> onThemeChange -> onEmojiChange -> onNicknameChange -> onReactionAdded or Removed ..etc
-> find how many grams of protein in 1 egg
-> find number of electrons in sodium
-> solve for x if 3x^2-16=9
-> convert binary 110110 to decimal
..and many more
- Copyright (ยฉ) 2022 by Abdul Kalam
- Licensed under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007