Diabetes-Detector ||
It takes saveral parameters and predect if one has diabetics or not.
A simple predection project of machine learning with Python.
It is trained by a dataset taken from kaggle.
Device : Desktop/laptop
platform : Windows/Linux/Mac
requirement : none
How to install :
- Download Zip file or clone the repository
- Extract the zip
- run Diabetes_Detector.py
CodeChef ::: **abdullah_mahi**
beecrowd ::: **MAHI_MTVS**
hackerrank ::: **mahi_mtvs**
codeforces ::: **Abdullah_Mahi**
cont. me:
Md. Abdullah Al Mobin
Tangail, Bangladesh
mail : mahi.odyssey@gmail.com
FB : https://www.facebook.com/mahi.odyssey
GitHub : https://github.com/abdullah-mobin