What's used in this app ? | How to run ? | Author |
In this project, Any user can view posts but can't comment, like, or view details without registering or logging in. Registered users can like existing posts, create new blogs, edit/delete their blogs, and comment on others'. It's a platform for sharing and engaging with content. |
Blog App (Folder)
|-- public
| |-- Lee.jpg
| |-- vite.svg
|-- src
| |-- app
| | |-- store.js
| |
| |-- components
| | |-- BlogCard.jsx
| | |-- BlogUpdate.jsx
| | |-- CommentBox.jsx
| | |-- Navbar.jsx
| |
| |-- features
| | |-- authSlice.js
| | |-- blogSlice.js
| |
| |-- helper
| | |-- ToastNotify.js
| |
| |-- hooks
| | |-- useAuth.js
| | |-- useAxios.js
| | |-- useBlog.js
| |
| |-- pages
| | |-- About.jsx
| | |-- Dashboard.jsx
| | |-- DetailBlog.jsx
| | |-- Login.jsx
| | |-- MyBlogs.jsx
| | |-- NewBlog.jsx
| | |-- Profile.jsx
| | |-- Register.jsx
| |
| |-- router
| | |-- AppRouter.jsx
| | |-- PrivateRouter.jsx
| |
| |-- styles
| | |-- globalStyles.js
| |
| |-- App.jsx
| |-- index.css
| |-- main.jsx
|-- .eslintrc.cjs
|-- .gitignore
|-- README.md
|-- index.html
|-- package.json
|-- pnpm-lock.yaml
|-- vite.config.js