A deep-reinforcement learning approach to solving misère combinatorial games. This project won the 12th Grade category at the 2018 Hoosier Science and Engineering Fair and is progressing to the 2018 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in May. This program was developed in conjunction with the Indiana University Computer Vision Lab.
Keywords: reinforcement learning, combinatorial games, misère play, AlphaZero
In 2017, Silver et al. designed a reinforcement learning algorithm that learned tabula rasa without any human-generated data. They applied this algorithm to the games of Go, Chess, and Shogi with positive results suggesting that the algorithm is general enough to learn many other games as well. Here, we investigate how well this technique performs on the misère version of a combinatorial game, misère tic-tac-toe, in which the goal is not to complete a row, column, or diagonal. We found that a successful Deep-Q neural network could be trained solely from self-play for the case of a three-by-three board. However, with board sizes of four-by-four and larger, the models failed to converge to a winning strategy. Although the computational power of the original tests could not be matched and the hyperparameters could not be as finely tuned, this result suggests that misère games may be fundamentally different than their regular counterparts, possibly requiring different algorithms and approaches.
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arXiv:1712.01815 [cs.AI]
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Silver, D., Huang, A., Maddison, C. J., Guez, A., Sifre, L., Van Den Driessche, G., ... & Dieleman, S. (2016). Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search. Nature, 529(7587), 484-489.
Silver, D., Schrittwieser, J., Simonyan, K., Antonoglou, I., Huang, A., Guez, A., ... & Chen, Y. (2017). Mastering the game of Go without human knowledge. Nature, 550(7676), 354.
A central goal of machine learning has been to train models tabula rasa, i.e. from a blank slate with no human guidance. Progress towards this goal has accelerated with DeepMind’s AlphaGo Zero’s win over the previous version of AlphaGo which defeated the Go world champion in 2016 and their models’ wins over the strongest computer opponents in Chess and Shogi. The training algorithm proposed requires no human-crafted features or human-generated game data and is general enough to be applied to games other than those tested. Many combinatorial games (discrete zero-sum perfect information games) can be “solved" mathematically. However, the misère versions of these games — in which the winner by the regular game’s rules loses — are much more difficult to analyze and thus possibly harder for computers to play well. Better understandings of these games could lead to advances in combinatorics, optimization, complexity theory, and even gene folding.
Misère tic-tac-toe (“Notakto”) is like tic-tac-toe played on an n x n board, except that both players place the same symbol, and the player that completes a row, column, or diagonal loses. For certain n, the game is “weakly solved” -- it is known which player can win no matter the actions of the opponent. For a 3x3 board, player one can always force a win, while for 4x4, player two can always win. By computer serach, we know which player can win (called the game theoretic value) for certain n, but not the winning strategy: player one wins for 5x5, player one wins for 6x6, and player two wins all boards with side lengths divisible by four.
To measure the complexity of a game, we inspect the size of its game tree: the set of all possible game sequences for a given game. Often visualized as a tree where the nodes are game states and the edges are the possible moves, each time a game is played, players trace out one branch of the game tree. For small games (games with few options and outcomes), the game tree is computable explicitly. For example, tic-tac-toe has a complexity upper bound of 3^9=19,683 possible board states (ignoring symmetries and impossible game states) which, assuming 18 bits per board, would only require about 44 kilobytes to store. However, for larger games like chess and Go where there are sometimes hundreds of options for every move, the game tree is intractable. For comparison, a similar upper bound computation for Go calculates 3^361=1.7x10^172 possible board states which, assuming 722 bits per board, would necessitate over 10162 terabytes, more than squared the number of atoms in the universe.
One goal of combinatorial game theory is to determine the game-theoretic value of a game. This value indicates whether the current player is the winner or the loser of the game with optimal play. In perfect information zero-sum games, the game-theoretic value is +1 if the current player wins, 0 if neither player wins, or -1 if the opposite player wins. For example, the game-theoretic value of a 3x3 Notakto game starting on a blank board is +1 for the first player because that player has a strategy that can guarantee a win and -1 for the second player because, under optimal play, that player always loses. Games for which we know the game-theoretic value are called “solved.” A game is “ultra-weakly solved” if only the value of the initial starting position is known and “weakly solved” if the strategy for the first player to obtain that value is also known. A game is “strongly solved” if the value and the strategy to obtain that value is known for every legal game state.
A Markov Decision Process (MDP) is defined by a set of possible states, a set of possible actions from a given state, a state transition function that transfers an agent from a given state to another state after performing an action (generally, this may be stochastic but is deterministic in our environment), and a reward function that indirectly defines the desired actions. For a given non-terminal state, an agent chooses an action to take from a distribution called a policy, transfers the environment to a new state, and receives a reward. A game is over when the environment reaches a terminal state where it emits a final winner or outcome called the value of the terminal state. The value of a non-terminal state is the expected value of all states following it. The goal of an agent is to design its policy such that it maximizes the discounted expected reward. Equivalently, the agent can find the true value function and choose actions according it.
To model the decisions of a player (the “policy”) and the likelihood that the player will win (the ”value”), we use a deep neural network, a system of addition and multiplication nodes (”neurons”) that abstractly model the functioning of a human brain. Like Silver et al, we use a neural network to produce a policy and value for a given state. The value of the game at the given state, represented by a scalar in [-1, 1], is calculated by applying the hyperbolic tangent function to the first output neuron. The policy, represented by a discrete probability distribution, is calculated by applying the softmax normalization function to the remaining outputs. The network consists of randomly-initialized fully-connected layers each followed by the Relu activation function. Training data for the model is stored as a set of tuples {s, target,z} where target is a desired policy generated by the training algorithm and z= +/- 1 is the eventual winner from the perspective of the current player. Old data points are discarded with a memory replay queue as new ones are generated. During training, random batches of the memory replay are passed to the network which is updated with gradient descent minimizing the loss function defined by Silver et al.
With limited computational resources, we will not be able to train a perfect model for board sizes five and greater but we will be able to train perfect models such that player one can win 100% of games on 3x3 boards and player two can win 100% of games on 4x4 boards.
Designed by Silver et al, the algorithm generates target policies for a given move by playing games against itself guided by a modified Monte-Carlo Tree Search. Each state is the root node of a tree with child nodes representing the state after a given action and where each node contains a set of statistics {N, W, P}. N is the visit count for a given node, W is the total value of all runs that traversed the node, and P is the probability of selecting an action according to the model. The algorithm proceeds by:
(1) Selection Starting from a given root node, choose an action by a hueristic depending on N, W, and P until a node is reached whose possible actions have not all been evaluated.
(2) Expand and Evaluate Randomly choose an un-explored action, play the action, and evaluate the value and action probabilities with the model. Initialize a new child with {N = 1, W = value, P = probability}.
(3) Backpropogate Pass the value up the tree. For each node traversed, update the node’s statistics by {N'=N+1, W'= W+ new value, P'=P}. (4) Repeat Repeat the process for a set number of simulations.
(5) Calculate Policy Starting with a blank board, run steps (1) to (4). Compute the target policy and choose an action from this policy. Play this action and begin a new tree with root node. Repreat this process until a terminal state. Save the data from this game. Train the neural network over these data points and run further self-play games with the newly trained network.
The number of neurons and layers seems not to significantly impact score or required number of training iterations, which is surprising because higher capacity models should have greater capacity to model data. Some models trained within seconds, suggesting that the algorithm would be able to easily scale to larger boards, but this was not the case. Although a 4x4 board has only 128 times as many possible positions as 3x3, our best model only won 46% of games even after training 30,000 times longer, and the trend did not suggest that it would win more games given more time (Figure 2). All other 4x4 models were unable even to achieve a 40% win rate. The training performed by Silver et al with massive computing resources involved over 4.9 million generated games each using 16,000 simulations per game5; our difficulty with the 4x4 board may be due to insufficient training period with too weak computing power.
Performing tree searches to determine the game theoretic values for games with large search spaces, like large misère tic-tac-toe games or Go, would take thousands of years with current technology. The models in this work could reduce this time by orders of magnitude by “tree pruning” in which the search can prioritize certain branches of the tree from the model’s suggestions. We hope to use this method to find the guaranteed winners and possibly the winning strategies of large misère tic-tac-toe games. Definitively solving these games could lead to understanding in other areas in which combinatorial games naturally occur as complexity theory and optimization. In terms of Silver et al’s algorithm’s effectiveness against misère games, nothing can be definitively concluded without conducting experiments with much greater computational power. Also, it would be worth testing different neural network architectures such as convolutional neural networks, residual networks, and capsule networks to check the effectiveness of the algorthim versus the effectiveness of the model being trained.