Play "Permaximize" online and with friends! Permaximize frontend- and game-logic have been connected to a general purpose backend server to enable live multiplayer. Game data is sent by websocket from AWS Lambda functions created by a CloudFormation stack.
- Animations
- CPU opponent
- Player is active/deactive indicator
- Socket table instead of raw connectionIds (possibly store in memcache)
- Improve error messages / actions
# Deploy backend from backend/
sam build && sam deploy
# Deploy frontend from root
npm run deploy
Client Sent Events:
{"action": "new"}
Sent from the client to the server to request a new game. The server acknowledges the request with an object containing the game-state. Always sent from the player 1 client. No parameters.{"action": "join", "id": <id>, "player": <p>}
Sent from the client to request a connection to a given game by its ID. The server acknowledges the request with a game-state object.{"action": "update","id": <id>,"selected": [0, 0], "second": [0, 1]}
Sent from the client to the server when the player has made a change to the game. "selected" and "second" are permaximize-specific. The game engine can handle any game-specific parameters.{"action": "reset"}
Restart a multiplayer game and send a new state to both players
Server Sent Events:
Sent from the server to the client when the state of the game has changed, likely because the other player made a move. Formatted as game-state object.
Game {
id: ObjectId
board: String // Defaults to initial board
turn: Number // Defaults to 0
p1: String // ConnectionId for player 1
p2: String // ConnectionId for player 2