This repository is a simple compilation of naive implementations of common machine learning algorithms in c++.
Most of the impleentations are non regularized and are a mix of techniques from Andrew Ng's course on coursera and Tom M. Mitchell's book, "Machine Learning".
Please install armadillo before trying out any of the examples.
- You can try out the implementations by running the examples in the Example folder
- To run an example firslty change directory into the examples folder
- Then run it using a c++ compiler (E.g. - g++ NeuralNetworkExample.cpp ../NeuralNetwork.cpp -larmadillo)
- You can check out the datasets in Data/ folder in the Examples folder.
- For data with low dimensionality you can always print output to a csv and plot to judge the results.
- I have recently come across Doxygen as a documentation tool and have used it for the class documentation.
- You can start reading the documentation here Stupid-Learn-Documentation.