- Find the roots of a quadratic equation in the form ax^2 + bx + c = 0. (if .. else)
- Input a month number and display the number of days in that month. (switch)
- Find the GCD and LCM of two numbers.
(while / do ..while) - Find the largest and smallest of a set of N numbers. (for)
- Input a binary number and display the decimal equivalent of that number. (while /do .. while)
- Display the first N prime numbers. (nested loop)
- Display the perfect numbers in first N counting numbers. (nested loop)
- Search for a particular number in a list of N numbers using linear search. Display the position of the number in the list if the number is present. Otherwise display suit able message.
- Display the binary equivalent of an unsigned decimal integer. (using 1-D array)
- Sort N integers in ascending order using bubble sort algorithm.
- Search for a number in a sorted list of numbers using binary search.
- Given two sets (mathematical set) of numbers A and B. Find A U B, A ∩B, A-B.
- Given two sorted list of numbers. Merge these two lists to form a new list such that the resultant list is also in sorted order. (do the operation without further sorting).
- Find the smallest element in a m x n matrix. Also display the position of this smallest element. {Position of the first occurrence of smallest element in the matrix}
- Find the sum of elements in each row, each column of a m x n matrix. Also find the sum of boundary elements the matrix.
- Check whether a given square matrix is symmetric. If not symmetric display the transpose of the matrix.
- Find the alphabet which is occurring highest number of times in a line of text. Also display its frequency.
- Input N student names and arrange them in alphabetical order using exchange sort.
- Write a function for checking whether a positive integer number is prime or not. Using this function display the prime numbers in a mxn matrix.
- Write functions for evaluating sine(ɵ) and cosine(ɵ). Verify the values using library functions sin(ɵ) and cos(ɵ). {Convert degree into radians}
- Write a recursive function for finding factorial. Using this function find nCr.
- Write a function for checking whether a string is palindrome. Using this function display the palindrome words in a line of text.
- Write a recursive function for binary search. Using this function check whether a number is present in a list of numbers arranged in descending order.
- Write a program for finding the product of two matrices. Write separate functions for Reading matrices, Multiplication of matrices and Display matrix.
- Write a function for finding the largest number in a one dimensional array. Using this function display the largest element in each row of a mxn matrix.
- Store the regno, name and 4 marks of a set of students in an array of structure and display the details along with total marks in the descending order of total marks.
- Define an array of structure for storing the coefficients and exponents of a
polynomial. Write a program for adding two polynomials.
{Hint :- Input number of terms of each polygons before reading. Input the terms of a polynomial in the decreasing order of exponents. Ex : 7x5 +8x2 -10} - Define a structure for storing a complex number. Write functions for finding the sum, difference and product of two complex numbers. Input two complex numbers and display their sum, difference and product using the above functions.
- Implement the following string library functions using pointers:
- string length [int StringLengh(char *s)]
- string copy [void StringCopy(char *s1, char *s2) ]
- string comparison [int StringCompare (char *s1, char *s2) ]
- string concatenation [void StringConcat(char *s1, char *s2) ]
- Write a program to find the smallest number in a list of integers using command line argument.