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Arch Linux Dotfiles

Welcome to the dotfiles repository for Arch Linux! This curated collection of dotfiles is designed to elevate your Linux experience with the Hyperland theme – a blend of modern aesthetics and functional elegance. Dive into our meticulously crafted configurations to transform your desktop environment into a seamless, immersive workspace.


Featured Configurations

Maximize your productivity with custom aliases, functions, and keybindings for both the terminal and Hyperland, enhancing various tools and settings:

Hyperland Configuration

  • Neovim: Elevate your coding and editing experience with our optimized Neovim configuration, complete with syntax highlighting, LSP integration, and more.
  • Dolphin: Navigate your files effortlessly with our customized Dolphin file manager setup for quick and intuitive access.
  • SDDM: Greet yourself with style using our sleek SDDM display manager setup.
  • Rofi: Access your applications and system actions swiftly with our Rofi launcher configuration, complete with custom themes and shortcuts.
  • Dunst: Stay informed with elegant notifications using our Dunst configuration for smooth notifications without distractions.
  • Kitty: Command your terminal with finesse using our highly customizable Kitty setup, featuring themes, keybindings, and performance improvements.
  • Grub: Boot up in style with our visually appealing GRUB bootloader configuration, making system navigation sleek and effortless.
  • Waybar: Customize your status bar to your liking with our Waybar configuration, displaying essential system stats and shortcuts.
  • wlogout: Logout gracefully with our intuitive wlogout configuration for smooth session transitions.
  • Hyperland: Immerse yourself in our signature Hyperland theme settings, defining colors, fonts, and visual elements for a cohesive experience.
  • Swww: Enhance your system with miscellaneous tweaks and configurations that improve usability and aesthetics.

Terminal Utilities: Aliases, Functions, and Keybindings

Leverage the power of the following terminal utilities with highly efficient aliases and functions that streamline your workflow:

  • Atuin: Track and manage terminal history with useful commands.
  • Moar: A pager like less, but with more.
  • Zoxide: A smarter cd command that learns your habits.
  • Fzf: Command-line fuzzy finder for quick navigation and searching.
  • Screen-OCR: Easily extract text from the screen in the terminal.
  • Tmux: Terminal multiplexer that allows you to run multiple sessions and panes within a single window.
  • Pyprland: Python utility for integrating and configuring Hyperland window manager.
  • Hyprpm: Plugin manager for Hyperland to manage, update, and enable various Hyperland plugins.
  • Fastfetch: Display system information in the terminal with customizable output.
  • Yazi: A terminal file manager with powerful navigation features.

Installation Guide

  1. Minimal Arch Installation Guide

  2. After Install Guide

Additional Tips

  • Backup Your Configurations: Before replacing existing configurations, safeguard your data to prevent any loss or conflicts.
  • Check Dependencies: Some configurations may rely on additional dependencies or specific application versions. Refer to respective documentation for details.
  • Contribute: Feel free to contribute by suggesting improvements, reporting bugs, or adding new configurations.

Credits & License

Dive into the world of Hyperland dotfiles and unlock a new level of aesthetic and functionality in your Arch Linux setup. Let's elevate your desktop experience together! 🚀