$ python recommendation.py
returns list of restaurents ids in orders based on set of following logics:
1. Featured restaurants of primary cuisine and primary cost bracket.
- If none, then all featured restaurants of primary cuisine, secondary cost and secondary cuisine, primary cost
2. All restaurants of Primary cuisine, primary cost bracket with rating >= 4
3. All restaurants of Primary cuisine, secondary cost bracket with rating >= 4.5
4. All restaurants of secondary cuisine, primary cost bracket with rating >= 4.5
5. Top 4 newly created restaurants by rating
6. All restaurants of Primary cuisine, primary cost bracket with rating < 4
7. All restaurants of Primary cuisine, secondary cost bracket with rating < 4.5
8. All restaurants of secondary cuisine, primary cost bracket with rating < 4.5
$ open doc/_build/html/index.html
Please refer following file for creating fresh mocks of orders.json, restaurants.json
$ python mock.py