A repo for labs, assignments, and projects for COMP3322 : Modern Technologies on World Wide Web
A basic, static webpage made using HTML and CSS. The webpage is deployed over at : http://i.cs.hku.hk/~agoyal/lab1
A basic, responsive, static webpage made using HTML and CSS. Added basic CSS transitions and media queries. The webpage is deployed over at : http://i.cs.hku.hk/~agoyal/lab2
A to-do webapp made using ajax, mysql, php, html, and CSS. The webpage is deployed over at : http://i.cs.hku.hk/~agoyal/lab3
An email handling system using HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, Ajax, MySQL, PHP, and friends. The webpage is deployed over at : http://i.cs.hku.hk/~agoyal/a1
A simple icon drag-drop webapp made using HTML5
A simple Node.js app which allows users to add net annual profit for a company and uses MongoDB for persistent data
An extension of Lab6 using Angular.js
A simple data toggle app using React
A skype-esque chat application created using MEAN stack