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iOS, tvOS and macOS Objective-C and Swift client library SDK for Ably realtime messaging service


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Ably iOS client library

Build Status

An iOS client library for, the realtime messaging service, written in Objective-C.

CocoaPod Installation

add pod ably to your Podfile. While ably-ios is in development, use this line instead:

Manual Installation

Using the Realtime API


     ARTRealtime * client = [[ARTRealtime alloc] initWithKey:@"xxxxx"];
     [client subscribeToStateChanges:^(ARTRealtimeConnectionState state) {
         if (state == ARTRealtimeConnected) {
             // you are connected

Subscribing to a channel

ARTRealtimeChannel * channel = [client channel:@"test"];
[channel subscribe:^(ARTMessage * message) {
     NSString * content =[message content];
     NSLog(@" message is %@", content);

Publishing to a channel

    [channel publish:@"Hello, Channel!" cb:^(ARTStatus status) {
        if(status != ARTStatusOk) {
            //something went wrong.

Querying the History

    [channel history:^(ARTStatus status, id<ARTPaginatedResult> messagesPage) {
        XCTAssertEqual(status, ARTStatusOk);
        NSArray *messages = [messagesPage currentItems];
        NSLog(@"this page has %d messages", [messages count]);
        ARTMessage *message = messages[0];
        NSString *messageContent = [message content];
        NSLog(@"first item is %@", messageContent);

Presence on a channel

    ARTOptions * options = [[ARTOptions alloc] initWithKey:@"xxxxx"];
    options.clientId = @"john.doe";
    ARTRealtime * client = [[ARTRealtime alloc] initWithOptions:options];
    ARTRealtimeChannel * channel = [client channel:@"test"];
    [channel publishPresenceEnter:@"I'm here" cb:^(ARTStatus status) {
        if(status != ARTStatusOk) {
            //something went wrong

Querying the Presence History

    [channel presenceHistory:^(ARTStatus status, id<ARTPaginatedResult> presencePage) {
        NSArray *messages = [presencePage currentItems];
        if(messages) {
            ARTPresenceMessage *firstMessage = messages[0];
            NSString * content = [firstMessage content];
            NSLog(@"first message is %@", content);

Using the REST API

   ARTRest * client = [ARTRest alloc] initWithKey:@"xxxxx"];
   ARTRestChannel * channel = [client channel:@"test"];

Publishing a message to a channel

   [channel publish:@"Hello, channel!" cb:^(ARTStatus status){
       if(status != ARTStatusOk) {
           //something went wrong


The library works on iOS8, and uses SocketRocket

Known limitations

The following features are not implemented yet:

  • msgpack transportation

The following features are do not have sufficient test coverage:

  • app stats

Support and feedback

Please visit for access to our knowledgebase and to ask for any assistance.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Ensure you have added suitable tests and the test suite is passing(bundle exec rspec)
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create a new Pull Request


Copyright (c) 2015 Ably, Licensed under an MIT license. Refer to LICENSE.txt for the license terms.