Releases: absolute-quantum/cats-blender-plugin
Releases · absolute-quantum/cats-blender-plugin
- Added new greatly improved Auto Atlas method made by shotariya!
- This new method will create really good texture atlases automatically
- You will need to install the (extremely awesome) plugin "Material Combiner" made by shotariya
- If you don't have it installed, CATS will provide you with a download link
- CATS packs the functions into a single-click button
- If you want more options, use the plugin tab "shotariya"
- Added new greatly improved Auto Atlas method made by shotariya!
- Added warning when meshes have more than 65354 tris or more than 10 materials/meshes or when the
shapekeys are broken - Improved CATS FBX Export settings (Thanks Rokk!)
- Textures will now be stored inside the exported FBX file
- When importing the FBX file into Unity, the textures will be imported automatically as well
- The scale of armatures and meshes in Unity will now always be 1 instead of being set to 100 sometimes
- This fixes possible bugs with mesh particles
- If you want to overwrite old FBX files with the new ones in Unity, you might have to enforce the T-Pose again.
Newly imported FBX files are uneffected by this
- Added warning when meshes have more than 65354 tris or more than 10 materials/meshes or when the
- A lot more models are now compatible
- Added fix for bad uv coordinates (Thanks shotariya!)
- Join Meshes now adds missing armature modifiers
- This prevents cases where the mesh would not move with the bones
- Join Meshes now merges UV Maps correctly
- This fixes disappearing textures which were previously there
- Fix Model now unlocks all transformations on armature, mesh and bones
- Added warning if the FBX version is too old
- Using "Pose to Shape Key" or "Apply as Rest Pose" no longer requires you to join the meshes
- "Apply as Rest Pose" now correctly scales shape keys if the bones are equally scaled on each axis
- Fixed "Apply as Rest Pose" sometimes selecting the wrong shape key after the operation
- Finally fixed CATS deleting bones and then claiming that they are missing
Custom Model:
- Added option to merge all bones that have the same name
- Merge Armatures and Attach Mesh now remove all empty shapekeys afterwards
Eye Tracking:
- Eye bones should no longer be created in weird places
- Fixed a bug where old vertex groups were not getting deleted
- Lots of bug fixes
- Updated mmd_tools
- Added future proof Google Translate maintenance fix (Thanks BlueLament!)
- Model:
- Fixed "Apply as Rest Pose" deleting important shape keys
- Translations:
- Added option to use the old translations for shape key translations
- Optimization:
- Fixed rare error when combining materials
- Greatly improved translations by using a new internal dictionary
- Much better shape key translation
- Example: No more Ah, Your and There but Ah, Oh and Ch
- Greatly improved translation speed by storing the google translations locally
- This local google dictionary gets reset every 30 days to stay updated with new translations
- Added "Translate Everything" button
- No longer removes rigidbodies and joints
- Only Fix Model removes them now
- Greatly improved translations by using a new internal dictionary
- Join meshes now applies all transforms
- Added new Apply Transforms button
- Added new Remove Doubles button
- More precise than doing it manually but removes less vertices overall
- A little extra button at the end lets you remove doubles like you would do manually
- Fixed files with capital letters in the file extension not importing correctly
- Fixed "Separate by Loose Parts" creating multiple extremely small meshes
- This makes "Separate by Loose Parts" actually useful and not a laggy mess
- Shape Keys Mix Intensity slider is back
- Increased the range of the intensity slider
- Greatly improved "Apply Shapekey as Basis"
- Shape keys added to the Basis can be reverted now
- Added a patchnotes button
- Slightly reduced startup time
- Updated mmd_tools
- Fixed some typos
- Fixed multiple bugs
- Added new "Apply as Rest Pose" button
- This will apply the current pose position as the new rest position
- Added new "Join Selected Meshes" button
- Fix Model now combines similar materials (toggleable)
- This automatically increases the performance for most models
- Moved the Fix Model options into a new settings dialog
- Open this by clicking the wrench icon next to the Fix Model button
- Import Model now can import all the models with one button
- Added option to Keep End Bones
- Improved support for Source Engine models
- Backface culling is now deactivated again
- Fixed random important bones disappearing for no reason
- Fixed the SSL error
- This fixes a lot of instances where translations would not work
Custom Model:
- Greatly improved the combine process and drastically reduced the amount of errors
- Armature transform getting reset is now very rare
- Much more user friendly
- Improved tolerances to allow minimal armature rotations
- Getting an error while attaching a mesh doesn't create a new armature anymore
- Error messages are now much more persistent
- Fixed "Apply Shapekey as Basis" not setting the basis for newly created shape keys
- Various optimizations
- Improved error messages
- Fixed bugs all over the place
- Model:
- Now straightens up the head bone
- Fixed bone morphs not converting correctly into shape keys
- Fixed bones rotating the mesh twice as far
- Fixed eye rotation testing no longer working after changing the eye movement scale
- Fixed some shading issues after fixing the model
- General:
- Updated mmd_tools
- Added "Merge Armatures" button!
- This merges two selected armatures together.
- Added "Attach mesh" button!
- This attaches a mesh to a selected bone in an armature.
- Custom avatars are a breeze now!
- Added support for Source Engine Models!
- Added new "Custom Model Creation" panel
- Moved some model options into a new "Model Options" panel
- Moved Translations into the new "Model Options" panel
- Added a lot of new model options to the "Model Options" panel
- "Fix Model" now sets the roll of all bones to 0
- This fixes a lot of finger issues in Unity!
- "Fix Model" now removes the standard lamp, camera and cube
- Full Body Tracking Fix is not longer enabled by default
- More models are now compatible (please report non working models to us)
- Fixed: Undoing the operation after a model import no longer undoes the import as well
Eye Tracking:
- Now shows a warning when important objects aren't named correctly
Copy Protection:
- Added Export button into the panel after enabling the protection
- Now automatically triangulates the model
- Fixes holes appearing after export to Unity
- Updated documentation
- Step 6 now shows how to fix all remaining lighting issues
- Changed: Meshes no longer need an armature to be selectable
- The supporter list is now synced with an online repository
- It can now be updated on the fly without having to update the whole plugin
- New supporter list features are available now, check them out!
- Mesh selections are no longer shown if there is only one mesh
- Updated mmd_tools
- Fixed lots of bugs and typos
- Changed: Copy Protection: Does now work on multiple meshes.
- Fixed: Copy Protection: The lighting bugs are now gone! Therefore we removed the randomization options.
- Either use the Export button within Cats or set the export option by yourself:
Geometries > Smoothing > Set to "Face"
- Either use the Export button within Cats or set the export option by yourself:
- Added: Model: "Fix Model" now sets the bone layer to 0.
- This means that shadow bones are now editable
- Added: Model: More models are now compatible (please report non working models to us)
- Added: Model: Now shows a small info box about the bone length warning when full body fix is enabled
- Fixed: Model: Separating by Loose Parts should no longer crash Blender.
- Instead it might lag (but that's better than crashing)
- Fixed: Model: "Fix Model" now disables Backface Culling
- Fixed: Atlas: Now unhides everything in edit mode
- Fixed: "Remove Doubles" causing an error
- Fixed: More bugs
- Added: Model: The Full Body Fix is now a toggleable option
- If you get the "spine length zero" warning in Unity you can ignore it as it shouldn't break anything
But if it really does cause issues uncheck this option
- If you get the "spine length zero" warning in Unity you can ignore it as it shouldn't break anything
- Added: Copy protection: Added "Go to Documentation" button
- Added: mmd_tools is no longer required! Cats now automatically comes with it!
- You should uninstall all previous versions of mmd_tools for the best result
- If you want to use your own mmd_tools load it after Cats
- Added: Full Body Tracking support for "Fix Model"!
- This also partially fixes leg bending for desktop users
- Added: Multiple armature support!
- Armature selection appears when 2 or more armatures are detected
- Added: Copy Protection: Secures your avatar against unity game cache ripping!
- Added: Model: New "Separate by Loose Parts" button
- Added: Model: Unreal Engine models are now supported!
- Added: Model: Mixing Weights is now possible in Pose Mode
- Added: Model: More models are now compatible (please report non working models to us)
- Added: Shapekeys: Added "Shapekey to Basis" button to shapekey menu
- Changed: Translation: Translating materials now translates all materials
(including materials outside of armatures) - Changed: Updater: No longer requires to hover over the buttons in order to update them
- Changed: Updater: Various improvements
- Fixed: A bunch of bugs!
- Added: Model: More models are now compatible (please report non working models to us)
- Added: Model: Missing necks are now created automatically
- Changed: Eye tracking: Improved randomness of vertex movement
(could fix some instances where the mouth stays open) - Fixed: Bone Merging: No longer deletes random bones sometimes
- Fixed: Supporter: Names no longer disappear without a reason
- Fixed: Some more bugs!