) ((\ === ___ ___ __ _ _ __ _ /_|_\ ---- / _ | / / __ _____ ___ ---| | /| / /__ _________(_)__ ____ | ----- / __ |/ _ \/ // (_-<(_-< ----| |/ |/ / _ `/ __/ __/ / _ \/ __/ \|/ _______/_/ |_/_.__/\_, /___/___/ ______|__/|__/\_,_/_/ /_/ /_/\___/_/ /___/┌──┤ WHOAMI ├─────────▰▰▰ │ ├─▣ Software Engineer ├─▣ Back-End Developer ├─▣ Interested in Mythology ├─▣ mehran.safaripour@gmail.com ├─▣ LinkedIn │ └───────────────────────────────▰▰▰ ┌──┤ PROJECTS ├───────▰▰▰ │ ├─◈ promethe ---> under development ├─◈ packend ---> under development ├─◈ pwitter ├─◈ pBay ├─◈ crypto funds portfolio ├─◈ palantir ├─◈ binance pnl checker ├─◈ my UI collection ├─◈ docker vault ├─◈ base │ └───────────────────────────────▰▰▰
leveling up my skills
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everything-i-know PublicA list of my skills and projects or tutorial exercises.
crypto-funds-portfolio PublicA webapp that shows the portfolio of the most famous cryptocurrency hedge funds. 💰
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