il2cpp resolver but written in rust
pub unsafe extern "system" fn DllMain(h_module: HMODULE, fdw_reason: u32, lp_reserved: *mut c_void) -> i32 {
match fdw_reason {
let params = Box::into_raw(Box::new(MainParams { base: h_module.clone(), reserved: lp_reserved })) as usize;
_= CloseHandle(sys::thread::spawn(move || {
let params = Box::from_raw(params as *mut MainParams);
// resolves il2cpp exports and rest of the common used mono methods using exported reflection call
il2cppinterop_core::initialize(params.base, Some(Duration::MAX));
_ => {}
let cz_session = class::find("Game.Session")
.expect("failed to find Session class");
// UnityEngine.GameObject::FindObjectsOfType(System.Type,System.Boolean)
let objects = il2cppinterop_core::unity::object::find_objects_of_type_by_name::<&UnityGameObject>(&UNITY_GAMEOBJECT_CLASS, false)
.expect("Failed to get UNITY_GAMEOBJECT_CLASS instances");
// il2cpp dump
struct Il2CppObject // low-level object repr, any System.Object starts from here
Il2CppClass *klass; // first offset is ptr to class meta
void *monitor;
let session: Option<*mut Session> = mono::definitions::object::find(cz_session, |address| { unsafe {
*(address.add(0x8) as *const isize) == 0x0
&& *(address.add(0xC) as *const isize) == 0x0
&& *(address.add(0x10) as *const isize) == 0x1a
}}).expect("Encountered error while searching for Game.Session instance");
/// Hooks into Game.SessionSystem::Send
unsafe fn hook_setup_SessionSystemSend() {
// see
static_detour! { static Hook_SessionSystem_Send: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut Session, *mut SystemObject); }
// intercepter
fn mHook_SessionSystem_Send(_session: *mut Session, _module: *mut SystemObject) { unsafe {
let module = &*_module;
debug::intermediate_serialize(module);, _module);
let mp_sessionSystem_Send = class::get_method_pointer_by_name("Game.SessionSystem", "Send", 2)
.expect("failed to find DarkOrbit.SessionSystem::Send");
match Hook_SessionSystem_Send
.initialize(std::mem::transmute(mp_sessionSystem_Send), mHook_SessionSystem_Send)
.and_then(|_| {
}) {
Ok(_) => log::info!("Game.SessionSystem::Send detour set. Instruction adr: {mp_sessionSystem_Send:p}"),
Err(err) => log::error!("Failed to set Game.SessionSystem::Send detour. Instruction adr: {mp_sessionSystem_Send:p}. {:?}", err),
// Mono macro
// polymorphism in rust is not built in. to avoid boilerplate code as much as possible
// marking field with #[base] simply sets target for Deref trait. dereferencing all fields and methods from 'parent'.
// still, trait boundaries will require manual implementation.
// currently only PartialEq trait is being chained in favour of Il2cppDictionary<T: PartialEq + ..., V ...>
#[derive(Debug, Mono, Getters, Setters)]
#[getset(set = "pub", get = "pub with_prefix")]
pub struct MoveRequest {
object: SystemObject,
position_x: i32,
target_y: i32,
target_x: i32,
position_y: i32,
impl MoveRequest {
pub fn new() -> &'static mut Self {
.expect("Failed to create Game.MoveRequest")
// il2cpp_farproc! is helper macro for reinterpreting c call on 32bit and fastcall on 64bit
fn send_to_session(session: &mut Session, module: &Il2cppObject) -> bool { unsafe {
class::get_method_pointer_by_name(&GAME_SESSION_SYSTEM, "Send", 2) // +1 if calling non-static method (this, args...)
.inspect(|mptr| il2cpp_farproc!(fn(&Session, &Il2cppObject), *mptr) (session, module))