Calving habitat selection for maternal and non-maternal females and comparison of among individual variation
Authors: Amanda Droghini, Timm W. Nawrocki, Alaska Center for Conservation Science, University of Alaska Anchorage
Last updated: 2024-10-02
Description: This repository includes scripts for processing GPS telemetry data, preparing geospatial covariates, analyzing selection patterns among female moose in maternal and non-maternal group, and plotting variation among individuals between both groups along a relative unitless scale. Folders and scripts are numbered in order of execution, except those that contain functions (folders starting with "package_"). This project is a collaboration between the Alaska Center for Conservation Science and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
The installation of R, ArcGIS Pro bundled with Python, and an independent Python with the dependencies listed below is required to execute the full suite of scripts included in this repository. The header of each script indicates in what system the script should be executed.
- ArcGIS Pro 2.5.2+
- Python 3.6.9+
- R 4.0.0+
- adehabitatLT 0.3.25+
- ctmm 0.5.10+
- lubridate 1.7.8+
- move 4.0.0+
- plyr 1.8.6+
- raster 3.1.5+
- rgdal 1.4.8+
- readxl 1.3.1+
- sf 0.9.3+
- tidyverse 1.3.0+
- tlocoh 1.40.7+
- zoo 1.8.8+
- R Studio 1.3.9+
- Python 3.8.8+ (Anaconda 2021.05 or later distribution)
- scikit-learn 0.24.2+
- Amanda Droghini - Alaska Center for Conservation Science, University of Alaska Anchorage
- Timm W. Nawrocki - Alaska Center for Conservation Science, University of Alaska Anchorage
Use of the scripts included in this repository should be cited as follows:
Droghini, A., T.W. Nawrocki, J.B. Stetz, P.A. Schuette, A.R. Aderman, and K.E. Colson. 2024. Variation in habitat selection among individuals differs by maternal status for moose in a region with low calf survival. Ecosphere [volume:identifier].
We referenced the following for the scripts that calculate topographic indices:
Evans J.S., J. Oakleaf, S. A. Cushman. 2014. An ArcGIS Toolbox for Surface Gradient and Geomorphometric Modeling, version 2.0-0. Available:
This project is provided under the GNU General Public License v3.0. It is free to use and modify in part or in whole.