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jPipe Runner

     _ ____  _               ____                              
   (_)  _ \(_)_ __   ___   |  _ \ _   _ _ __  _ __   ___ _ __ 
   | | |_) | | '_ \ / _ \  | |_) | | | | '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
   | |  __/| | |_) |  __/  |  _ <| |_| | | | | | | |  __/ |   
  _/ |_|   |_| .__/ \___|  |_| \_\\__,_|_| |_|_| |_|\___|_|   
 |__/        |_|                                              

A Justification Runner designed for jPipe.


In the current Justification Diagram of jPipe, the primary focus is on describing what justification to perform and the reasoning relationship between justification and conclusion. However, it does not elaborate on how to actually execute these justifications in code, resulting in .jd files that are mainly a visual representation of reasoning — lacking the capacity to run the justification process in practice.

In contrast, Robot Framework is a generic automation framework for acceptance testing. It uses a simple plain-text syntax and can be extended with various libraries.

  • It maps the "keyword" that appears in the test case to a Python (or other language) function for execution.
  • This allows the "verification function" to be called directly when writing the test script and get the execution result (Pass/Fail), thus enabling an executable test/verification process.

Inspired by Robot Framework's keyword-driven approach, we propose to implement a jpipe-runner to make the jPipe Justification Diagram executable and operational. With this extension, each justification evidence/strategy could be mapped to corresponding executable code, transforming jPipe from a purely visual reasoning tool into a fully automated CI/CD-style justification framework.


  • Fully compatible with existing jPipe syntax/grammar.
    • Support load, justification, pattern, and composition.
  • A keyword-driven operational justification diagram framework.

Repository organization

  • examples: examples of models, images, and libraries
  • jpipe_runner: Python source code of the jPipe runner


jPipe Runner requires:

  • Python (version 3.12 or later)
  • Graphviz (version 2.46 or later)
  • C/C++ Compiler


These instructions assume you have Python, Graphviz and a C/C++ Compiler on your computer.


$ pip install -U git+


We currently do not provide jpipe-runner images on the public registry, so you will need to build it yourself.

$ docker build -t jpipe-runner:latest .


Alternatively, you can simply integrate jpipe runner into your actions.

  - uses: ace-design/jpipe-runner@main
      jd_file: "/path/to/your/justification.jd"
      variable: |
      library: |
      diagram: "*"
      dry_run: false


Consider this justification diagram: It has two pieces of evidence supporting two strategies; these strategies support each sub-conclusion, which further supports the final strategy, and then reaches the conclusion.


To justify this diagram, we can map each evidence/strategy to a Python function, and the jpipe runner will call the corresponding function based on the order of justification, i.e. evidence -> strategy, and only if that function returns a non-false result, the justification process will proceed.

For example, consider the following Python demo code:

signature = None
available = None

cons = []

def nda_is_signed():
    return signature == 'jason'

def slides_are_available():
    return available

def check_contents_wrt_nda():
    x = "ok"
    return x

def check_grammar_typos():
    x = "loos good!"
    return x

def all_conditions_are_met():
    return all(cons)

Run the justification with jpipe runner:

python -m jpipe_runner \
  -l 'examples/libraries/' \
  -v signature:jason \
  -v available:ready \

The runner output is as follows:

jPipe Files                                                               
jPipe Files.Justification :: slides                                       
Evidence<nda> :: NDA is signed                                        | PASS |
Evidence<available> :: Slides are available                           | PASS |
Strategy<grammar> :: Check Grammar/Typos                              | PASS |
Strategy<compliant> :: Check contents w.r.t. NDA                      | PASS |
Sub-Conclusion<decent> :: Professional standard are met               | PASS |
Sub-Conclusion<legal> :: content is approved by legal                 | PASS |
Strategy<all> :: All conditions are met                               | PASS |
Conclusion<ready> :: Presentation is Ready                            | PASS |
jPipe Files
1 justification, 1 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped

If any step (evidence/strategy) fails during the justification process, the remaining steps will be skipped and the entire justification will fail.


Found a bug, or want to add a cool feature? Feel free to fork this repository and send a pull request.

If you're interested in contributing to the research effort related to jPipe projects, feel free to contact the PI: