Set up a MLFlow instance with MySQL and MinIO backends using Docker compose for development and testing purposes.
- Clone the repo
- Create and update the paths as mentioned with the #TODO in the docker-compose file
- Navigate inside mlflow_mysql_minio folder and type
docker-compose up --build --remove-orphans -d
. Assuming Docker and Docker compose are installed and running. - To stop the the containers type
docker-compose down
- Purpose: To track metrics and artifacts generated from ML experiments
- Access URL:
MYSQL Adminer
- Purpose: To view contents of the MySQL database which contains the entity related data for MLFlow e.g. metrics
- Access URL:
- Access details:
- System: MySQL
- Server: mlflow-db
- Username: mlflow
- Password: mlflow123
- Database: mlflow
MinIO web console
- Purpose: To view artifacts that are stored in MLFlow e.g. models, images, etc.
- Access URL:
- Access details (root):
- Username: mlflow_artifacts
- Password: mlflow_artifacts_secret
- Bucket name: ml/
- MLFlow artifacts path: ml/mlflow/