The purpose of this cube is to demonstrate and educate how the MBTI Functions work together in harmony based on it's position in the stack.
- Full Cube Face Functionality! (THANK GOD LOL)
- Tweak cube-wrapper rotation functions. (Is fully functional)
- Clean up junk code based on new rotation system.
- Remove all globals except essentials.
- Start implenting display ideas based on mathematical algorithm.
- Design
- Idea for word rotations: Push absoluteR into an array, for every even number above a certain amount, rotate at certain degree.
- Info Cloud
- Import youtube API.
- Create Xx Grip data
- Implement database
- Reddit user u/ashleyh3 for creating this model
- My buddy Wreeds, who came up with the brilliant idea of turning this into a functional, 3D Model.
- The MBTI community for working diligently to create a very informed community.